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The snapshot of your workforce is a point-in-time list of all active full and part time employees as of the beginning date of your Affirmative Action Plan (AAP).  The definitions below describe the content of each field in the  Workforce Import TemplateCopy relevant fields from your workforce download and paste them into the Workforce Import Template in the order shown.  Provide as many of the fields as you can for each employee in your workforce snapshot, using the color-coding below to determine which fields are crucial.
Most of the statistical reports in your AAP are based on a one-moment snapshot of your workforce as of the beginning date of your AAP year.  The snapshot should include all employees covered by affirmative action regulations. The workforce snapshot should be in the form of a spreadsheet file pulled from your payroll or Human Resources Information System (HRIS) or other databaseIn addition to employee names, your file must contain information associated with each employee. In order to run compliant reports for your AAP gather as many of the importable fields as you can for each employee who was in your workforce on the beginning date of your AAP.  
Header fields in <span style="color:red;">'''red'''</span> are required not only for a compliant Affirmative Action Plan, but are also required for the software to function properly.
'''Column : Header'''<br>
'''A : Plan Code'''
:Pro users must provide an alpha or numeric code (10 character limit) that informs the software into which AAP each employee should be placed, keeping in mind the regulations, herein paraphrased, that govern placement of employees into AAPs:
::1) All companywide employees must be in an AAP.
::2) Prepare a separate AAP for each establishment that has 50+ employees.
::3) Employees at establishments of fewer than 50 employees must be:
:::a) included in their establishment's own AAP;
:::b) rolled into the AAP that supports their establishment's personnel function; or
:::c) rolled into the AAP that covers their managers work locations. 
:Other users must import a separate workforce file into the software for each AAP, but are not required to include plan codes.  Though blank, the '''Plan Code''' column must remain.
'''B : Employee ID'''
:Provide a unique alpha or numeric employee identification code (10 character limit) for each employee.  Review the codes to ensure that there are no duplicates.
Header fields in'''(blue) blue''' are not required for you to import, but you may import them if you wish.  The Complete AAP will create these for you if you do not already have them.
'''C : Employee Name'''
:Provide a name for each employee who works/worked on U.S. soil (including Puerto Rico) as of the snapshot date in the following format: ''Smith, John A''.
Header fields in''' green''' are not required for you to import, but you may import them if you wish.  In addition to Base Salary and Salary Basis, these fields are helpful in analyzing compensation data.
'''D : Race'''
:Provide one of the following race/ethnicity titles for each employee: White, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Two or More Races.  Title variations of the seven races/ethnicities are acceptable.  If an employee has not disclosed his or her race, determine his or her race visually. Definitions may be found at [[Race and Ethnicity Definitions]].
Header fields in '''black''' are not required for you to import, but you may import them if you wish.  These fields can be easily populated after import with the help of [[CensusWizard The Complete AAP's Census Wizard]].
'''E : Gender'''
:Provide one of the following designations for each employee: male, female.
'''F : Location Code'''
:Location codes and names are used to annotate employee work locations. Provide a location code (10 character limit) for each employee and ensure that each code identifies only one location name. If your import file does not contain location codes, but does contain location names, the software creates location codes.
A|'''(red) Plan Code''' |The software uses this the Plan Code identify which AAP to import employees into. ''(blue)Standard Version Users:'' Enter "'''1'''" into this field for every employee.
'''G : Location Name'''
''(red)Pro Version Users:'' The unique code to identify the plan and may contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters. This code may match the Location Code.
:Location codes and names are used to annotate employee work locations. Provide a location name in the format of city and state (or identifying FAAP name) for each employee as you wish it to appear in your annotations. Provide the city and state of isolated employees who work at remote offices or at home. Provide only one location name per code and provide the location names in a consistent format throughout (e.g. if you have Denver, CO and Denver, Colorado location designations representing the same location, choose one format and assign it consistently to all employees at that location.) If you wish to distinguish sites within the same city (e.g. Denver, CO Building A and Denver, CO Building B), add identifying text of your liking and code the sites differently. 
B|'''(blue) Employee ID'''|A unique alpha or numeric employee ID code for each employee and may be up to 10 alphanumeric characters. If you do not have employee IDs, the software will assign them for you.
C|'''(red) Employee Name'''|Employee name may be up to 60 characters.
'''H : Dept. Code'''
D|'''(red) Race'''|Each employee must be identified as one of the following [[RaceDefinition race titles]]: White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian, Pacific Islander, Two or More Races.  Title variations of the seven races are acceptable.
:Provide a department code (10 character limit) for each department name. Each department code should have only one department name. If you do not provide department codes, but do provide department names, the software creates the department codes.  
E|'''(red) Gender'''|Each employee must be identified as one of the following: Male, Female.
F|'''(blue) Location Code'''|A unique code to identify a location and may contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters. Location Codes are used to annotate employees' work locations.
'''I : Dept. Name'''
G|'''(red) Location Name'''|The name of the physical location in which an employee works. Location Names are used to annotate employees' work locations.
:Provide the name of each employee's department or unit of supervision. Provide only one department name per department code and provide the names in a consistent format throughout (e.g. if you have ''Accounting'' and ''Acctg'' departments representing the same department, choose one or the other format and assign it consistently to all employees.
H|'''(blue) Department Code'''|A unique code to represent each department and contains up to 10 alphanumeric characters. If you do not have Department Codes, the software will assign them for you.
I|'''(red) Department Name'''|Name for each Department or unit of supervision.  
'''J : Job Code'''
J|'''(blue) Job Code'''|Provide a Job Code for each Job Name. Each Job Code should have only one Job Name. ''(10 character limit.)''
:Provide a job code (10 character limit) for each job name. Each job code should have only one job name.  If you do not provide job codes, but include job titles, the software creates them.
K|'''(red) Job Name'''|Title of position.
L|'''(red) EEO Code'''|An EEO Code is to be assigned for each job name. Employees who hold the same job name should be assigned to the same EEO Code(e.g. all occurrences of “Manager, Accounting” should be in EEO category 1.1). Provide an [[EEO1Categories EEO-1 (Private)]], an [[EEO4Categories EEO-4 (Public)]] or an [[EducationalIPEDSCategories Educational-IPEDS (formerly EEO-6)]] Code for each job.
'''K : Job Name'''
M|'''Census Code 1'''|One census code must be assigned to each job title within the companyYou may import them or you may allow the [[CensusWizard Census Wizard]] to assign them after you import your workforce. More information on Census Codes may be found in the Glossary.
:Provide a job name (i.e. title) for each employee. Provide only one job name per job code and provide the job names in a consistent format throughout (e.g. if you have ''Accountant'' and ''Acct'' job titles representing the same position, choose one format and assign it consistently to all employees.)  If you have more than one set of job titles to choose from in your HRIS, provide the more descriptive set of titles to develop more tailored placement goals.
N|'''Census Code 2'''|Although only one census code per job title is required, you may assign up to three for each job title.
O|'''Census Code 3'''|Although only one census code per job title is required, you may assign up to three for each job title.
'''L : EEO Code'''
P|'''(blue) Job Group Code'''|A unique code for each unique job group name and may contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters. Each Job Group Code should have only one Job Group Name.
:Provide an EEO-1 (Private), an EEO-4 (Public) or an EEO-6 (Educational-IPEDS) code for each job. Each unique job code/title should be assigned only one EEO codeIn other words, all instances of Accountant should be assigned the same EEO code. Definitions may be found in the [[Glossary]], [[Definitions of EEO-1 Job Categories]] and [[Definitions of EEO-4 Job Categories]].
Q|'''(red) Job Group Name'''|A unique name for each job group. Job Groups represent groups of jobs that have similar wages, responsibilities and opportunities for advancement. Each unique job should be assigned only one Job Group (e.g. all instances of "Vice President" should be in the same job group). EEO categories can be used as Job Groups if none are established.
R|''' Hire Date'''|The date the employee was hired.
'''M : 2010 Census Code 1'''
S|''' Salary Code'''|A unique alphanumeric code that can be up to 10 characters in length If your company uses salary codes, salary grade codes or salary range codes, provide one for each employee.
:If you wish to select and import your census codes, provide from one to three Census 2006-2010 American Community Survey (ACS)codes for each job using this field for the first and using columns N and O for the second and third census codes. If you wish to use the 2000 Census data and job census codes in your AAP, do not fill in columns M, N, or O, but fill columns AG-AI instead. Again, each job should be assigned the same census code(s), for example every instance of the job ''Accountant'' should have the same census code (usually ''0800 Accountants & Auditors'' in this specific example). If you wish to utilize the new census data it is suggested that the census codes be selected following the the EEO Occupations Codes Crosswalk/EEO Tabulation 2006-2010 ACS which is available at http://www.yocom-mckee.com/pdfs/EEOcrosswalk2012july30.pdf.
T|'''(red) Base Salary'''|The base salary of an employee at the beginning of the plan year. Does not include overtime, bonuses or shift differential.
U|'''(red) Salary Basis'''|Indicate whether base salary is: annual, biweekly, hourly, monthly, semimonthly or weekly.
'''N : 2010 Census Code 2'''
V|''' Hours Worked Per Week'''|The standard number of hours each employee is required to work per week. This value is used when the software annualizes salary for hourly employees. The software will use a default of 40 hours per week if this column is blank and the Salary Basis is Hourly.
:Although only one Census 2010 code per job is sufficient, you may provide up to three per job, using this field for the second.
W|'''(red) Part-Time?'''|Indicate whether each employee works Full Time or Part Time.
X|''' Total Salary'''|The total  salary of the employee for the 12 month period prior to the beginning of the new plan year. includes base + bonuses, overtime and any other additional income.
'''O : 2010 Census Code 3'''
Y|'''(red) Supervisor ID'''|The employee ID of each employees' supervisor.  If you do not use ID codes, you can leave this blank, and enter it manually once the software has assigned employee IDs.
:Although only one Census 2010 code per job is sufficient, you may provide up to three per job, using this field for the third.
Z|'''(blue) Annotation'''|The software will determine if an employee needs an annotation by comparing each employees' plan or location code against his or her manager's plan or location codeLocation codes are used to build the annotation.  If you want to create your own annotations, you may do so in the annotation field of your import file.  Your annotation will take precedence over any created by the software. Please see the [[Glossary Glossary]] for more information about annotations.
AA|''' SSEG Code'''|[[SSEGs Similarly Situated Employee Groupings]] consist of employees that have similar job duties and responsibilities and occupy positions that require similar skills and qualificationsIt is neither required nor is it necessary to create SSEGs. Compensation can be analyzed by groupings such as jobs, EEO categories or job group.
'''P : Job Group Code'''
AB|''' Date 1'''|A date that your company deems a significant factor that affects payExamples include: date of last increase, rehire date, date of last promotion, etc.
:Provide a job group code (10 character limit) for each job group name. Each job group code should have only one job group name.  If you do not provide job group codes, but do provide job group names, the software creates job group codes.
AC|''' Date 2'''|Another date that your company deems a significant factor that affects pay.  Examples include: date of last increase, rehire date, date of last promotion, etc.
AD|''' Number 1'''|A numeric factor that your company deems significant in determining pay.  Examples include: years of experience, tenure, years of education, education level, etc.
'''Q : Job Group Name'''
AE|''' Number 2'''|A numeric factor that your company deems significant in determining payExamples include: years of experience, tenure, years of education, education level, etc.
:Job groups represent groups of jobs that have similar wages, responsibilities and opportunities for advancement. Provide a job group name for each job (rather than for each employee).  Each job must be assigned only one job group (e.g. all instances of the title ''Accountant'' should be assigned the same job group). Provide only one job group name per job group code and provide the job group names in a consistent format throughout (e.g. if you have ''Clerical'' and ''Clerical/Admin'' job group titles representing the same job group, choose one of the two and assign it consistently to all jobs.) EEO categories can be used as Job Groups if your company has fewer than 150 companywide employees (i.e. all sites).  If your company has 150 or more companywide employees, you should review the jobs by EEO category and determine if you should split them into groups that share similar wages, responsibilities and opportunities for advancement. For example, a ''2-Professional'' group can be split into ''2A-Engineers'' and ''2B-Administrative Professionals''If splitting the group is not feasible or if splitting the groups would result in statistically invalid groups of fewer than ten employees, at the very least provide jog group names that do not exactly match EEO code titles. Additional information on creating job groups may be found at [[Creating Job Groups]] and in the [[Glossary]].
AF|''' Number 3'''|A numeric factor that your company deems significant in determining pay.  Examples include: years of experience, tenure, years of education, education level, etc.
'''R : Hire Date'''
:Provide each employee's original hire date(Rehire dates may be provided in the Date 1 field.)
'''S : Salary Code'''
:If your company uses salary/wage codes, salary/wage bands, salary/wage grades or salary/wage ranges, provide one of up to ten characters for each employee. If your company does not have established salary grades, ranges or codes, provide nothing in this column.
'''T : Base Salary'''
:Provide the annual pay of each employee, not including bonuses, overtime or other additional income. If you cannot provide annual base pay, provide the base hourly, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly monetary compensation, none of which should include bonuses, overtime or other additional income.
'''U : Salary Basis'''
:If the amount shown in the Base Salary column is an annual rate, indicate an "A" in this columnIf it is hourly, indicate "H."  If it is weekly, indicate "W." If it is bi-weekly, indicate "B."  If it is semi-monthly, indicate "S."  If it is monthly, indicate "M."
'''V : Hours Worked per Week'''
:Please include in this field the standard number of hours each employee is required to work per week.
'''W : Part-Time?'''
:Indicate whether each employee works full time or part time.  Do not provide the number of weekly work hours in this column. Provide a status of "PT" or "FT" for each employee based on your company's definitions. 
'''X : Total Salary'''
:Provide each employee's prior year earnings.  Total pay should include base pay plus bonuses, overtime and any other additional income earned in the 12 months prior to your current AAP year.
'''Y : Supervisor's ID'''
:Provide the employee ID of each employee's supervisor, ensuring that the supervisor ID matches an employee ID in the workforce data that you provide.  If you do not provide all Supervisor ID's, the software will not accurately assign managers to departments, which means that your Organizational Display and annotated reports may not be in compliance. 
'''Z : Annotation''' - Optional if Supervisors' IDs are provided
:If you want to create your own annotations, you may do so in the annotation field of your import file.  Otherwise, the software assigns annotations by comparing each employee's location or plan code against his or her manager's location or plan code.  All annotations you provide in this field take priority over any created by the software.  For more information about annotations, please see the [[Glossary]], [[Annotations]] and [[Edit Employee Records]] .
'''AA : SSEG Code'''
:Similarly Situated Employee Groupings represent groups of employees whose jobs are similarly situated.  SSEGs are optional and provide an alternate method of analyzing the compensation of employees performing the same or substantially similar work. More information on SSEGs may be found at [[Similarly Situated Employee Groupings or SSEGs]].
'''AB : Date 1'''
:Provide a date that your company deems a significant factor that affects pay.  Examples include: date of last increase, rehire date, date in current job, etc.
'''AC : Date 2'''
:Provide another date that your company deems a significant factor that affects pay.  Examples include: date of last increase, rehire date, date in current job, etc.
'''AD : Number 1'''
:Provide a numeric factor that your company deems significant in determining pay.  Examples include: years of experience, tenure, years of education, education level, etc.
'''AE : Number 2'''
:Provide a second, different numeric factor that your company deems significant in determining pay.  Examples include: years of experience, tenure, years of education, education level, etc. 
'''AF : Number 3'''
:Provide a third, different numeric factor that your company deems significant in determining pay.  Examples include: years of experience, tenure, years of education, education level, etc.
'''AG : 2000 Census Code 1'''
:If you wish to select and import your census codes, provide from one to three Census 2000 codes for each job using this field for the first and using columns AH and AI for the second and third census codes. Again, each job should be assigned the same census code(s), for example every instance of the job ''Accountant'' should have the same census code (usually ''80 Accountants & Auditors'' in this specific example). It is suggested that census codes be selected following the EEO-1 Job Classification Guide which is available from the EEOC website.
'''AH : 2000 Census Code 2'''
:Although only one Census 2000 code per job is sufficient, you may provide up to three per job, using this field for the second.
'''AI : 2000 Census Code 3'''
:Although only one Census 2000 code per job is sufficient, you may provide up to three per job, using this field for the third.
'''AJ : Veteran?'''
:Indicate whether each employee has self identified as a qualified protected veteran. Use "N" if the individual is not a veteran. Use "Y" if the individual is a veteran.
'''AK : Disabled?'''
:Indicate whether each employee has self identified as an individual with a disability. Use "N" if the individual is not disabled. Use "Y" if the individual is disabled.
==See Also==
[[Census Data Conversion from 2000 to 2010]]<br>
[[Import Wizard]]<br>
© Copyright Yocom & McKee, Inc.

Latest revision as of 16:13, 31 January 2018

Most of the statistical reports in your AAP are based on a one-moment snapshot of your workforce as of the beginning date of your AAP year. The snapshot should include all employees covered by affirmative action regulations. The workforce snapshot should be in the form of a spreadsheet file pulled from your payroll or Human Resources Information System (HRIS) or other database. In addition to employee names, your file must contain information associated with each employee. In order to run compliant reports for your AAP gather as many of the importable fields as you can for each employee who was in your workforce on the beginning date of your AAP.

Column : Header
A : Plan Code

Pro users must provide an alpha or numeric code (10 character limit) that informs the software into which AAP each employee should be placed, keeping in mind the regulations, herein paraphrased, that govern placement of employees into AAPs:
1) All companywide employees must be in an AAP.
2) Prepare a separate AAP for each establishment that has 50+ employees.
3) Employees at establishments of fewer than 50 employees must be:
a) included in their establishment's own AAP;
b) rolled into the AAP that supports their establishment's personnel function; or
c) rolled into the AAP that covers their managers work locations.
Other users must import a separate workforce file into the software for each AAP, but are not required to include plan codes. Though blank, the Plan Code column must remain.

B : Employee ID

Provide a unique alpha or numeric employee identification code (10 character limit) for each employee. Review the codes to ensure that there are no duplicates.

C : Employee Name

Provide a name for each employee who works/worked on U.S. soil (including Puerto Rico) as of the snapshot date in the following format: Smith, John A.

D : Race

Provide one of the following race/ethnicity titles for each employee: White, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Two or More Races. Title variations of the seven races/ethnicities are acceptable. If an employee has not disclosed his or her race, determine his or her race visually. Definitions may be found at Race and Ethnicity Definitions.

E : Gender

Provide one of the following designations for each employee: male, female.

F : Location Code

Location codes and names are used to annotate employee work locations. Provide a location code (10 character limit) for each employee and ensure that each code identifies only one location name. If your import file does not contain location codes, but does contain location names, the software creates location codes.

G : Location Name

Location codes and names are used to annotate employee work locations. Provide a location name in the format of city and state (or identifying FAAP name) for each employee as you wish it to appear in your annotations. Provide the city and state of isolated employees who work at remote offices or at home. Provide only one location name per code and provide the location names in a consistent format throughout (e.g. if you have Denver, CO and Denver, Colorado location designations representing the same location, choose one format and assign it consistently to all employees at that location.) If you wish to distinguish sites within the same city (e.g. Denver, CO Building A and Denver, CO Building B), add identifying text of your liking and code the sites differently.

H : Dept. Code

Provide a department code (10 character limit) for each department name. Each department code should have only one department name. If you do not provide department codes, but do provide department names, the software creates the department codes.

I : Dept. Name

Provide the name of each employee's department or unit of supervision. Provide only one department name per department code and provide the names in a consistent format throughout (e.g. if you have Accounting and Acctg departments representing the same department, choose one or the other format and assign it consistently to all employees.)

J : Job Code

Provide a job code (10 character limit) for each job name. Each job code should have only one job name. If you do not provide job codes, but include job titles, the software creates them.

K : Job Name

Provide a job name (i.e. title) for each employee. Provide only one job name per job code and provide the job names in a consistent format throughout (e.g. if you have Accountant and Acct job titles representing the same position, choose one format and assign it consistently to all employees.) If you have more than one set of job titles to choose from in your HRIS, provide the more descriptive set of titles to develop more tailored placement goals.

L : EEO Code

Provide an EEO-1 (Private), an EEO-4 (Public) or an EEO-6 (Educational-IPEDS) code for each job. Each unique job code/title should be assigned only one EEO code. In other words, all instances of Accountant should be assigned the same EEO code. Definitions may be found in the Glossary, Definitions of EEO-1 Job Categories and Definitions of EEO-4 Job Categories.

M : 2010 Census Code 1

If you wish to select and import your census codes, provide from one to three Census 2006-2010 American Community Survey (ACS)codes for each job using this field for the first and using columns N and O for the second and third census codes. If you wish to use the 2000 Census data and job census codes in your AAP, do not fill in columns M, N, or O, but fill columns AG-AI instead. Again, each job should be assigned the same census code(s), for example every instance of the job Accountant should have the same census code (usually 0800 Accountants & Auditors in this specific example). If you wish to utilize the new census data it is suggested that the census codes be selected following the the EEO Occupations Codes Crosswalk/EEO Tabulation 2006-2010 ACS which is available at http://www.yocom-mckee.com/pdfs/EEOcrosswalk2012july30.pdf.

N : 2010 Census Code 2

Although only one Census 2010 code per job is sufficient, you may provide up to three per job, using this field for the second.

O : 2010 Census Code 3

Although only one Census 2010 code per job is sufficient, you may provide up to three per job, using this field for the third.

P : Job Group Code

Provide a job group code (10 character limit) for each job group name. Each job group code should have only one job group name. If you do not provide job group codes, but do provide job group names, the software creates job group codes.

Q : Job Group Name

Job groups represent groups of jobs that have similar wages, responsibilities and opportunities for advancement. Provide a job group name for each job (rather than for each employee). Each job must be assigned only one job group (e.g. all instances of the title Accountant should be assigned the same job group). Provide only one job group name per job group code and provide the job group names in a consistent format throughout (e.g. if you have Clerical and Clerical/Admin job group titles representing the same job group, choose one of the two and assign it consistently to all jobs.) EEO categories can be used as Job Groups if your company has fewer than 150 companywide employees (i.e. all sites). If your company has 150 or more companywide employees, you should review the jobs by EEO category and determine if you should split them into groups that share similar wages, responsibilities and opportunities for advancement. For example, a 2-Professional group can be split into 2A-Engineers and 2B-Administrative Professionals. If splitting the group is not feasible or if splitting the groups would result in statistically invalid groups of fewer than ten employees, at the very least provide jog group names that do not exactly match EEO code titles. Additional information on creating job groups may be found at Creating Job Groups and in the Glossary.

R : Hire Date

Provide each employee's original hire date. (Rehire dates may be provided in the Date 1 field.)

S : Salary Code

If your company uses salary/wage codes, salary/wage bands, salary/wage grades or salary/wage ranges, provide one of up to ten characters for each employee. If your company does not have established salary grades, ranges or codes, provide nothing in this column.

T : Base Salary

Provide the annual pay of each employee, not including bonuses, overtime or other additional income. If you cannot provide annual base pay, provide the base hourly, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly monetary compensation, none of which should include bonuses, overtime or other additional income.

U : Salary Basis

If the amount shown in the Base Salary column is an annual rate, indicate an "A" in this column. If it is hourly, indicate "H." If it is weekly, indicate "W." If it is bi-weekly, indicate "B." If it is semi-monthly, indicate "S." If it is monthly, indicate "M."

V : Hours Worked per Week

Please include in this field the standard number of hours each employee is required to work per week.

W : Part-Time?

Indicate whether each employee works full time or part time. Do not provide the number of weekly work hours in this column. Provide a status of "PT" or "FT" for each employee based on your company's definitions.

X : Total Salary

Provide each employee's prior year earnings. Total pay should include base pay plus bonuses, overtime and any other additional income earned in the 12 months prior to your current AAP year.

Y : Supervisor's ID

Provide the employee ID of each employee's supervisor, ensuring that the supervisor ID matches an employee ID in the workforce data that you provide. If you do not provide all Supervisor ID's, the software will not accurately assign managers to departments, which means that your Organizational Display and annotated reports may not be in compliance.

Z : Annotation - Optional if Supervisors' IDs are provided

If you want to create your own annotations, you may do so in the annotation field of your import file. Otherwise, the software assigns annotations by comparing each employee's location or plan code against his or her manager's location or plan code. All annotations you provide in this field take priority over any created by the software. For more information about annotations, please see the Glossary, Annotations and Edit Employee Records .

AA : SSEG Code

Similarly Situated Employee Groupings represent groups of employees whose jobs are similarly situated. SSEGs are optional and provide an alternate method of analyzing the compensation of employees performing the same or substantially similar work. More information on SSEGs may be found at Similarly Situated Employee Groupings or SSEGs.

AB : Date 1

Provide a date that your company deems a significant factor that affects pay. Examples include: date of last increase, rehire date, date in current job, etc.

AC : Date 2

Provide another date that your company deems a significant factor that affects pay. Examples include: date of last increase, rehire date, date in current job, etc.

AD : Number 1

Provide a numeric factor that your company deems significant in determining pay. Examples include: years of experience, tenure, years of education, education level, etc.

AE : Number 2

Provide a second, different numeric factor that your company deems significant in determining pay. Examples include: years of experience, tenure, years of education, education level, etc.

AF : Number 3

Provide a third, different numeric factor that your company deems significant in determining pay. Examples include: years of experience, tenure, years of education, education level, etc.

AG : 2000 Census Code 1

If you wish to select and import your census codes, provide from one to three Census 2000 codes for each job using this field for the first and using columns AH and AI for the second and third census codes. Again, each job should be assigned the same census code(s), for example every instance of the job Accountant should have the same census code (usually 80 Accountants & Auditors in this specific example). It is suggested that census codes be selected following the EEO-1 Job Classification Guide which is available from the EEOC website.

AH : 2000 Census Code 2

Although only one Census 2000 code per job is sufficient, you may provide up to three per job, using this field for the second.

AI : 2000 Census Code 3

Although only one Census 2000 code per job is sufficient, you may provide up to three per job, using this field for the third.

AJ : Veteran?

Indicate whether each employee has self identified as a qualified protected veteran. Use "N" if the individual is not a veteran. Use "Y" if the individual is a veteran.

AK : Disabled?

Indicate whether each employee has self identified as an individual with a disability. Use "N" if the individual is not disabled. Use "Y" if the individual is disabled.

See Also

Census Data Conversion from 2000 to 2010
Import Wizard

© Copyright Yocom & McKee, Inc.