Determine Progress toward Goals

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After you finish entering your Adverse Impact data, you can determine how your company has progressed toward meeting last year’s goals.

Before you click your Progress icon, consider the following to determine how you should proceed:

  • If your company did not have an Affirmative Action Plan in place last year, you cannot determine progress made toward goals; proceed to CheckForDataErrors. If there are no data errors you may proceed to PrintYourReports.
  • If your company did have an AAP in place last year, but you did not use any version of The Complete AAP software to prepare last year’s plan, you will need a printout of the prior years Annual Goals or the total minority and/or female availability for all underutilized job groups from that plan, and will follow the InputGoals instructions.
  • If your company did have an AAP in place last year, you did use The Complete AAP software to prepare last year’s plan, and you used the CreateANewCompanyWithNoData or ((CreateAnExactCopyOfACompany Create an Exact Copy of a Plan)) instructions, you will follow the ImportGoals instructions.
  • Finally, if your company did have an AAP in place last year, you did use The Complete AAP software to prepare last year’s plan, and you followed either the CopyACompanyAndCreateAdverseImpactAndGoalsProgressForNewYear or the (( Upgrade from The Complete AAP version 9 or 10)) instructions, your Dates of Data, Job Groups and Beginning total employees were transferred upon copying or upgrading last year’s plan. Last years Annual Goals were transferred as this years Previous Goals. Follow the EditGoalsProgressData instructions.