Edit Adverse Impact

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Manually Editing Adverse Impact Data & Year To Date Adverse Impact Data

The Input and Import steps are two different methods that arrive at the same goal: to populate the fields within the Adverse Impact table. One would normally only follow one set of steps and not the other but it is possible to manually edit imported data.

With your Adverse Impact incumbent (base group), terminations, applicants, hires, and promotions totals in front of you, start typing!

1) Click the Adv. Impact icon.

Adv Impact Icon.png

2) If you did not import your activities, follow the New Plan Adverse Impact instructions.

3) To add a job group, click Add then type the job group code and its title.

ProTag.jpg If in All Plans, Pro users must also type the plan code.

4) To delete a job group, select the job group then click Delete. Confirm deletion.

5) Edit all activities.

a) Click the Beginning tab and edit or add to male, female, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Am. Indian, Pac/Hawaiian, and Two or More totals.
AI Table Base Group.png
b) Click the Applicants tab and edit or add totals.
c) Click the Hires tab and edit or add totals.
d) Click the Promotions (From) tab and edit or add totals.
e) Click the Promotions (To) tab and edit or add totals.
f) Click the Terminations tab and edit or add totals.

6) If dates are not populated, type dates in the date boxes or use the calendar to select them.

AI Table Base Group - Calendar.png

7) Click any of the blank tabs to add user-defined activities such as transfers, layoffs or training.

AI Table- User Defined Setup.png

8) Double-click on the word “memo” in the Notes column to add notes that will be printed on the bottom of the reports.

AI Table Memo Note - Layoffs.png

9) When finished editing all activities for all job groups, proceed to Determine Goals Progress.

Current Midyear Adverse Impact Data

You may need to update your adverse impact data for submission to the OFCCP during an audit. You may add the data to the current plan by manually editing the data or by importing it.

Have your applicant, hire, promotion, and termination totals in front of you.

1) Click the Adv. Impact icon.

Adv Impact Icon.png

2) Click Edit “Current Midyear” values.

AI Base Group with Edit Current Midyear checked.png

3) Click Yes when the following message appears.

AI Current Midyear JG Question.png

4) Confirm that the dates are correct. If they are not, type in the correct dates. The first date should be the start of your plan and the end date should be to the date you pulled the data.

If the plan year is 1/1/2015 - 12/31/2015,
YTD Adverse Impact dates are 1/1/2014 - 10/15/2014
if your data was pulled on 10/15/2014.

AI Base Group with Callendar.png

5) Type in totals for Applicants, Hires, Promotions (From), Promotions (To) and Terminations.

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