Edit Locations
The Locations table will not generate errors, but we recommend that you review the Locations table for typos, missing location titles and unused locations.
1) Click the Locations icon.
2) Type missing Location Codes.
3) Type missing Location Names.
4) Fix typos or mistakes: a) Select the text that you want to change. b) Type the correct text.
5) Delete blank records. (You might have to first delete blank employees.) Select Tools and then Remove Unused Locations to delete unassigned locations.
6) To add a single location, click Add then type a location code and its name.
file:wiki_pro_arrow.jpg When a Company in Pro contains multiple plans, the locations for all plans will be shown on the location table.
7) To delete a single location, select the location then click Delete. Confirm deletion. Reassign employees if necessary.
8) Click Close.