Workforce Data Requirements

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Most of the statistical reports in your AAP are based on a one-moment snapshot of your workforce as of the beginning date of your AAP year. The snapshot should include all employees covered by affirmative action regulations. The workforce snapshot should be in the form of a spreadsheet file pulled from your payroll or Human Resources Information System (HRIS) or other database. In addition to employee names, your file must contain information associated with each employee. In order to run compliant reports for your AAP gather as many of the importable fields as you can for each employee who was in your workforce on the beginning date of your AAP.

To view the Workforce Import template which shows the order required by the software:

1) Click the Import icon.

2) Click View Template under Workforce File.
New Imprt Wizard -Workforce Template.png

3) The template opens in a spreadsheet program. Your fields must be ordered in the order shown in the template.
WF Import Template - Blank.png

A) Minimum data required to run compliant, error-free reports.

a. Employee ID
b. Employee Name
c. Race
d. Gender
e. Dept. Name
f. Job Name
g. EEO Code
h. Job Group Name
i. Salary Basis
j. Base Salary
k. Part-Time Status
l. Supervisor’s ID
m. Plan Code
n. Plan Name
o. Location Name

B) The Complete AAP will create these for you if you don’t already have them.

a. Location Code
b. Dept. Code
c. Job Code
d. Job Group Code
e. Annotation

C) In addition to Base Salary and Salary Basis, these fields are helpful in analyzing compensation data.

a. Hire Date
b. Salary Code
c. Total Salary
d. Hours Worked per Week
e. SSEG Code
f. Date 1
g. Date 2
h. Number 1
i. Number 2
j. Number 3

D) These fields can be easily populated after import with the help of the Complete AAP’s Census Wizard.

a. Census Code 1
b. Census Code 2
c. Census Code 3

See Also

Required Fields - Workforce Import
Adverse Impact Data Requirements
Import Wizard

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