Report Options - Salary Regression

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The Salary Regression Report Options window allows the user to select the options and groups that will be used when creating the Salary Regression Report. The Salary Regression Report Options window may be accessed by clicking on the Reports icon and then clicking the the Salary Regression Options button on the Report Options tab or from the Reporting menu. Click on Reporting, select Optional Reports, Salary Reports and then Salary Regression Analysis.

General Options

  • Report Title box
This box contains the text used for the report title and can be edited by the user. Changes to the text will be saved for future use. Clicking on restore defaults button (on the Report Options window) will restore the original text.
  • Report Footer box
This box contains the text used for the report footer and can be edited by the user. Changes to the text will be saved for future use. Clicking on restore defaults button (on the Report Options window) will restore the original text.
  • Include Options
Permits the user the include all employees, just full-time, or just part-time employees in the analysis. Part-time employees are sometimes excluded from the analysis of full-time employees if part-time employees are paid different rates.
  • Salary Options
Permits the user to analyze base salaries or total salaries.
Clicking the box next to Convert PT to FTE causes the software to convert the salaries of part-time employees to the full-time equivalent when the number of hours worked is included in the employee data.
  • Independent Variables
Permits the user to check the box next to those variables that are to be included in the analysis. These variables are defined in the Company Information window.
  • Report On
Permits the user to select the type of groups that will be analyzed by clicking the radio button next to All Employees, Department, Job, Job Group, EEO, Salary Code, or SSEG Code. The user may then select groups to include in the report by clicking the Double RIght Arrow Button.png button to move all groups from the Available list on the left to the Selected list on the right, or by clicking the Right Arrow Button.png button to select specific groups. Double-clicking on a group will also move that group over to the selected list.

Display/Printing Options

  • Discard multicollinear independent variables
Checking this box causes the program to exclude any independent variables that have the same or substantially the same data as another independent variable. For example, using the variables Original Hire Date and Most Recent Hire Date may contain the same data for some jobs being analyzed and one of the variables should be omitted from the report.
  • Only use IVs that are correlated with salary
Checking this box causes the program to include only those independent variables that have a statistically significant impact on salaries.
  • Only groups that meet the size threshold
Only groups with at least 30 total employees and subgroups with at least 5 employees are considered large enough to render meaningful results and will be printed. For example, if there were 31 males and 4 females in the group, the total group size of 35 is large enough, but the Female subgroup is too small to meet the size threshold.
  • Breakout Minorities
Checking this box will include a list of all minorities groups and the statistics for each group.

Page Number Options

  • Show page number
Each page of the report will display a page number when this box is checked.
  • Include this date on each page
Each page of the report will display the selected date when this box is checked.
  • Print this page number on the first page
The report will display page numbers starting with the specified number when this box is checked.


  • Right Arrow Button.png
Moves the selected item from the left side of the screen to the right side.
  • Double RIght Arrow Button.png
Moves all items on the left side of the screen to the right side.
  • Left Arrow Button.png
Moves the selected item from the right side of the screen to the left side.
  • Double Left Arrow Button.png
Moves all items on the right side of the screen to the left side.
  • Export
Creates a Microsoft Excel file using the specified path and file name that contains all the data used in the Regression Analysis.
  • Potential Comp Issues
A narrative summary that explains the Salary Regression report and lists the groups with statistical significance is displayed in a widow that can be copied to the clipboard or saved to a text file.
  • Create .pdf
Creates a .pdf file that is stored in the plan's Support Docs folder when the Create .pdf button is clicked. The Support Docs folder is accessed by clicking the Pen and Folder icon on the blue screen.
  • Create .doc
Creates a Microsoft Word file that is stored in the plan's Support Docs folder when the Create .doc button is clicked. The Support Docs folder is accessed by clicking the Pen and Folder icon on the blue screen.
  • Print
Permits the user to print the report to a printer.
  • Preview
Displays a report of the selected groups in a preview window.
  • Close
Closes the Salary Regression Options window.
==See Also==


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