Prepare Text for Your Narrative

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The Complete AAP will incorporate the Plan Name, Plan Address, Plan Dates, Executive Officer Name and title, EEO Coordinator Name, Dun & Bradstreet, Tax ID (EIN), EEO-1 Number and logo into the narrative automatically when you publish your AAP. These items are included in the Company Information and Plan Information windows.

1) Click File and then Company Information.

File Menu - Comapny Info.png

2) Confirm that the company name is correct. Highlight the current text and type the correct text if necessary.

3) Confirm that the effective and end dates are correct. Highlight the current text and type the correct text if necessary. You may also use the calendar button to correct the dates.


Double-click on date or hit enter to close calendar.

4) Click OK to save information.

5) Click File and then Plan Information.

File Menu - Plan Info.png

6) Confirm that the following items on the General Info tab are correct. Highlight the current text and type the correct text if necessary.

a) Pro users only - Plan Code.
b) Plan Name. (This will appear in the text of the Narrative and in the report headings).
c) Address, City, State and Zip. (This will appear in the text of the Narrative and in the report headings).


7) Click the Narrative Info tab.


8) Confirm that all of the information is correct. Highlight the current text and type the correct text if necessary.

9) Click the AAP Cover Page tab.

a) Use the Plan Name 1 and Plan Name 2 fields for long or alternative plan names. The text in these fields will appear only on the cover pages of both narratives. The Plan name provided in the General Info tab will appear in the body of both narratives.


b) b) Use the Browse.jpg button to map the location of the corporate logo that you wish to display on the cover pages of both narratives. Click on the logo file and then click OK. The logo will be displayed in the large box and on the cover pages of you Women & Minorities and Disabled & Veterans narratives.

10) Click OK to save the information.

See Also

Customizing Your Plan Layout and Design
Customizing Your Narrative

© Copyright Yocom & McKee, Inc.