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Access this window by selecting Options from the Utilities menu. The user can set general, archiving, editing, reporting, and graphing options.


Open the last company on startup - When starting up The Complete AAP, this option will open the last company the user had open instead of displaying the Open Company window.
Open the last plan on startup - When starting up The Complete AAP, this option will open the last plan the user had open instead of displaying the Open Plan window. NOTE: The Open the last company on startup option must be checked for this option to work.
Show tooltips - Click this box to turn on tooltips.
Show 'confidential' mark on salary reports - This will print "CONFIDENTIAL" in the upper left-hand corner of each page of all salary reports.
Send an email to Yocom & McKee when an unexpected error occurs - This option sends program error information to Yocom & McKee for debugging purposes only. No workforce data is sent.
Show the checklist when a company is opened - This will display the Checklist on the right side of the screen when starting up The Complete AAP.
Show the red and green results icons on the open plan screen - This will display the shaded icons for Goals, Adv. Imp. and Comp. result icons on the Open Plan screen.


Automatically backup the company on exit - A backup zip file of all company data is created each time the program is exited. Backups are saved to the backup folder accessed by clicking the Pen & Folder Icon on the main window.
Keep only # automatic backups. - Click on Spinner.png to specify the number of backups that are saved in the backup folder.


Use "Grid Edit" to edit departments - Opens the department grid edit instead of the department single record edit when clicking the Department button on the Tool Bar or when selecting Departments from the Data menu.
Use "Grid Edit" to edit jobs - Opens the job grid edit instead of job single record edit when clicking the Jobs button on the Tool Bar or when selecting Jobs from the Data menu.
Use "Grid Edit" to edit employees - Opens the employee grid edit instead of employee single record edit when clicking the Employees button on the Tool Bar or when selecting Employees from the Data menu.
Use "Grid Edit" to edit locations - Opens the location grid edit instead of location single record edit when clicking the Locations button on the Tool Bar or when selecting Employees from the Data menu.
Disable auto salary code assignment - Disables automatic assignment of salary codes from Salary Code Table when editing employees.
Show availability numbers when viewing the census code wizard - Displays availability percentages for race and gender when running the Census Code Wizard.


Show Beginning Date Only - Prints only the beginning plan date in the lower-left corner of all reports. Plan dates are specified on the Company Information window.
Show Ending Date Only - Prints only the ending plan date in the lower-left corner of all reports.
Show All Dates - Prints both the beginning and ending plan dates in the lower-left corner of all reports.
Text to show before dates - Enter text to print before plan dates displayed in the lower-left corner of all reports. "Plan Year:" is the default text.
Prevent duplexing in reports - This option prevents the reports from printing on both sides of the paper regardless of printer settings.
Send all reports to default printer - This option allows the user to print multiple reports to the default printer without having to specifying a printer.


The user can specify one, two, or four graphs per page. When printing one graph per page, user can specify size of graph or "full page". The default size of graph is 7 inch width by 7 inch heigh. User can also specify the graph export file size. The default export size is 1400 by 1400 pixels.
Set Graph Colors Button - User can specify graph colors for each race and gender group.


Displays User Name registered with Yocom & McKee.

Calc Options

The Fisher’s Exact statistical test used in this software can be calculated in a variety of different ways. Use this screen to change the calculation method. You may select Fisher’s Exact One Tail, Two Tailed or Rosener’s Two Tailed P-Value. You may select a Significance Level of 5% or 2.5%. Our recommendation is One Tailed with 5% Significance Level.

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