Factor 3
The availability for factor 3 is determined by the percent of females and minorities who are available in the factor of your choice. The example used here shows the factor “Bargaining Agreement” to denote that the company recruits strictly by following union regulations. Follow the same steps for all job groups that use factor 3.
1) Determine the percentage of females and minorities that is available in your custom factor.
2) Type a title for your custom factor in the white cell to the right of the 3.
3) Type the percentages of available females and minorities into the Unweighted Availability boxes to the right of factor 3.
4) Click the Source button for factor 3 and type in details of the custom factor using 240 or fewer characters.
See Also
Factors 1a and 1b
Factor 1c
Factor 2a
Factor 2b
Job Group Edit
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