Template Overview

The Employment Activities import template is a CSV file that is comprised of the activities that occurred during the 12 months preceding the start of the AAP year, including: applicants, hires, promotions, and terminations.

Employment activities, also known as personnel or adverse impact activities, are usually obtained from exports from a company’s HRIS and Applicant Tracking System.

Template Functionality

When imported, the Employment Activities template performs the following functions:

  • Inserts:
    • Activities

Template Layout

All fields/columns in this template must exist in the CSV file in the order that they appear below and each record/row of the CSV file defines a single employment activity. A quick way to build this template is to use the Create/View Template Button within the Import window.

Download the Employment Activities Import Template

Field / Column Value Required? Description Example Excel Column
Location Code Yes A code assigned to the location and/or AAP in which the activity took place. Note: This location code must match an existing location code within the company. SACR A
Activity Code Yes An activity code that describes the type of activity. Common codes are:

APP : Applicant
HIRE : Hire
PROFROM : Promotion From
PROTO : Promotion To
TERMINV : Involuntary Termination
TERMVOL : Voluntary Termination
WORKFORCE : Workforce Snapshot

During the import, it will ask you to map or define a code (by creating a custom activity code) if it doesn’t recognize it.
Activity Date Yes The date the activity took place. 08/27/2019 C
Individual’s ID No A unique ID of the individual represented by this activity. B12345 D
Individual’s Name Yes The name of the individual represented by this activity. Smith, John E
Race Yes The race of the individual. Common codes are:

W : White
B : Black
H : Hispanic
A : Asian
I : American Indian/Alaskan Native
P : Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
T : Two or More Race
Blank or Empty : Unknown Race

During the import, it will ask you to map or define a code if it doesn’t recognize it.
Gender Yes The gender of the individual. ommon codes are:

M : Male
F : Female
Blank or Empty : Unknown Gender

During the import, it will ask you to map or define a code if it doesn’t recognize it.
Veteran? Yes Is the individual a protected veteran? Common codes are:

Y : Yes
N : No

During the import, it will ask you to map or define a code if it doesn’t recognize it.
Disabled? Yes Is this a person with a disability? Common codes are:

Y : Yes
N : No

During the import, it will ask you to map or define a code if it doesn’t recognize it.
Date of Birth No The individual’s date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format. 05/23/1974 J
Job Group Code Yes A unique code for each unique job group name. 2 K
Job Group Name Yes A name that represents groups of jobs that have similar wages, responsibilities and opportunities for advancement. Professionals L
Job Code Yes The job code for the activity’s job. This could be the job that was applied to or the job that an employee was promoted to for example. Note: If this field is empty, a unique code will be created automatically if there is a value in Job Title. ACCT M
Job Title Yes The job title for the job code. Accountant N
EEO Code Yes The EEO-1 (Private), EEO-4 (Public) or EEO-6 (Educational-IPEDS) code for each job. 2 O
Requisition Code No If the record of an applicant or hire is associated with a requisition, please provide the requisition code. REQ1452 P
Requisition Name No If the record of an applicant or hire is associated with a requisition, please provide the requisition name. My Requisition Q
Department Code No A company-assigned identifier for an organizational unit. FIN R
Department Name No The name of the activity’s department. Finance S
Force Into Location Code No If you wish to report individuals in a location other than the one shown in the Location Code column, indicate the location code here. DENV T
Disposition Code No A code that defines why a candidate was not interviewed or hired. SALARYTOOHIGH U
Referral Source No A code used to signify a referral source. NEWSPAPER V
Pay Analysis Group No A code used for groups of employees from one or more job titles. MYPAG W

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