Version 12.2025.0103.1
Sample Company : Updated the sample company data to reflect a 2025 sample plan.
Version 12.2024.1113.1
Availability Analysis : When the availability analysis is published or previewed, a CSV file is automatically created within each location’s publish folder. It is called “JobAvailability-[location code].csv”. This file contains information about each job within each job group and the raw availability numbers for those jobs. It was specifically formatted to help with compliance with Minnesota AAPs. The CSV contains the following columns:
- Location Code
- Job Group Code
- Job Code
- Job Title
- Census Code 1
- Census Code 2
- Census Code 3
- Number of Employees in Job
- Census Area 1 Name
- Census Area 1 Weight %
- Census Area 2 Name
- Census Area 2 Weight %
- Female % Available from Census Area 1
- Female % Available from Census Area 2
- Minority % Available from Census Area 1
- Minority % Available from Census Area 2
Version 12.2024.1111.2
Promotables Pick Window : When the “Show all locations”, “Only show populated job groups and jobs” and “Only show job groups and jobs in AAPs” options were all checked and there was an AAP with 0 employees physically there, but it did have included employees, the list of job groups and jobs would sometimes appear empty.
Version 12.2024.1111.1
Dynamic Weights : Added an option called “Adjust Weights Only?” within the Dynamic Weighting options (accessible through the Weights window, Tools button, Options…). It is defaulted OFF. If checked, only the weight percentages for the Census Area and Promotables will be modified (when using dynamic weighting). Census areas and promotable choices will not be changed. The user will have be able to manually choose census areas and promotables for each job group.
Version 12.2024.1104.1
Vets AAP : Hiring Benchmark for Protected Veterans : Added an option called “Show Hire Ratio?” and it is defaulted OFF. If checked, a line for the veteran hire ratio (without promotions included) will be included on the report.
Version 12.2024.1002.1
Companies Window : Added a function called “Refresh Company List” to the Tools -> Advanced Functions button. If a user manually copies one or more company data folders stub (example: “000000YM”) from an alternate location and into the current “\Aap12Data\data\” folder, this function can be used to add the company to the company list window.
Version 12.2024.0919.1
Executive Summary and Executive Summary Graph : Added an option called “Annual Goals Section” which allows the user to specify a customized report to use for their Annual Goals settings.
Executive Summary and Executive Summary Graph : Added an option called “Disparity Analysis (Apps/Hires) Section” which allows the user to specify a customized report to use for their Disparity Analysis settings.
Executive Summary and Executive Summary Graph : Added an option called “Disparity Analysis (Promotions From/Within) Section” which allows the user to specify a customized report to use for their Disparity Analysis settings.
Executive Summary and Executive Summary Graph : Added an option called “Disparity Analysis (Terminations) Section” which allows the user to specify a customized report to use for their Disparity Analysis settings.
Executive Summary and Executive Summary Graph : Added an option called “Goals Progress Section” which allows the user to specify a customized report to use for their Goals Progress settings.
Version 12.2024.0912.1
VETS-4212 Report Window : The “Create CSV For Upload” button will now also create an additional CSV called “Vets4212HiringLocations.csv” if Consolidated Reporting (MSC) is used and at least one hiring location is consolidated. The file format is described here:
VETS-4212 Report Window : A field called “Hiring Location Number (optional)” has been added to the Location Information tab for each location. This allows the user to optionally enter in a company defined hiring location number to uniquely identify each location being reported.
Import Window : The “VETS-4212” import template has changed. There is now an 11th field at the end of the template called “Location Number (optional)”. The column is required, but a value within this column is not required.
Version 12.2024.0912.1
User-Defined Fields Window : Added a function (on the Tools > Advanced Functions button) called “Export User-Defined Field Definitions”. When selected, it will export all of the grid data into a CSV format suitable for importing.
User-Defined Fields Window : Added a function (on the Tools > Advanced Functions button) called “Import User-Defined Field Definitions”. When selected, it will open the Import window with the “User-Defined Fields” import template selected.
User-Defined Fields Window : Added a function (on the Tools > Advanced Functions button) called “Reset User-Defined Field Definitions”. When selected, it will remove all user-defined field definitions from the grid. This could be useful if you’d like to quickly start from scratch.
Import Window : Added a new import template called “User-Defined Fields”. This template allows a user to update the existing user-defined field definitions for a company. The import template contains one header row and 10 data rows with ‘udf01’ through ‘udf10’.
Version 12.2024.0906.1
Departments Window : The departments window was not loading properly for some users with custom grid settings.
Version 12.2024.0829.1
Availability Analysis : When the option “Break Out Minorities?” and “Show All Recruitment Sources?” was selected and there was no additional census area selected on the Weights screen, the raw availability for Two or More Races would be repeated from the Census Area 1 selection.
Version 12.2024.0827.2
Audit Response : Activity Summary : Added an option called “Show Activity Dates?” and it is defaulted ON. If checked, the date range of the activities will be shown on the header of each page.
Audit Response : Activity Summary : Added “Promotions (From)” as one of the reports produced for the activity summary. It appears immediately before “Promotions (To)” pages.
Version 12.2024.0827.1
IPEDS : The IPEDS 2023 dataset has been added to the software.
Audit Response : Activity Summary : Added an option called “Filter : Disposition Code”. If a disposition code (entered here via the … button) exists on an activity record, that record will be removed from the analysis.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added an option called “Show Pay Analysis Group?” and it is defaulted OFF.
Version 12.2024.0823.1
Disparity Analysis : Renamed the option “Base Group Disposition Codes” to “Base Group : Excluded Disposition Codes”.
Disparity Analysis : Renamed the option “Comparator Group Disposition Codes” to “Comparator Group : Excluded Disposition Codes”.
Disparity Analysis : Added two new options called “Base Group : Excluded Department Codes” and “Comparator Group : Excluded Department Codes”. If one or more department codes are entered here (a picklist is provided) and an activity record has that department code, it will be excluded from the analysis.
Disparity Analysis : Added two new options called “Base Group : Excluded EEO Codes” and “Comparator Group : Excluded EEO Codes”. If one or more EEO codes are entered here (a picklist is provided) and an activity record has that EEO code, it will be excluded from the analysis.
Disparity Analysis : Added two new options called “Base Group : Excluded Job Codes” and “Comparator Group : Excluded Job Codes”. If one or more job codes are entered here (a picklist is provided) and an activity record has that job code, it will be excluded from the analysis.
Disparity Analysis : Added two new options called “Base Group : Excluded Job Group Codes” and “Comparator Group : Excluded Job Group Codes”. If one or more job group codes are entered here (a picklist is provided) and an activity record has that job group code, it will be excluded from the analysis.
Disparity Analysis : Added two new options called “Base Group : Excluded Pay Analysis Groups” and “Comparator Group : Excluded Pay Analysis Groups”. If one or more pay analysis groups are entered here (a picklist is provided) and an activity record has that pay analysis group, it will be excluded from the analysis.
Disparity Analysis : Added two new options called “Base Group : Excluded Referral Codes” and “Comparator Group : Excluded Referral Codes”. If one or more referral codes are entered here (a picklist is provided) and an activity record has that referral code, it will be excluded from the analysis.
Disparity Analysis : Added two new options called “Base Group : Excluded Requisition Codes” and “Comparator Group : Excluded Requisition Codes”. If one or more requisition codes are entered here (a picklist is provided) and an activity record has that requisition code, it will be excluded from the analysis.
Note : All of these new options work no matter what is selected in the “Report By” option. So as an example, you can be reporting by Job Group, but use these options to make sure that certain requisition codes and referral codes are not included in the analysis.
Version 12.2024.0821.1
Workforce Analysis : The footnote “# Manages more than one department” is now removed if there are 0 supervisors that manage multiple departments.
Version 12.2024.0815.1
Activities Window : Optimized the window opening speed for very large datasets.
Version 12.2024.0813.1
Departments Window : Added a company option to the Tools, Options button called “Show Top Supervisor Column?”. This is turned off by default because there’s no reason to scare the clients that will never use this. If checked, a Top Supervisor ID column will display on the far right of the Departments grid. (example images attached)
Departments Window : Added a “Top Supervisor ID” column which is defaulted as not visible. Clicking inside the field for a department, will allow the user to click a “…” button to quickly select an employee that they feel should be the Top Supervisor. A blank value indicates that the user wants the software to determine the top supervisor automatically. Hovering the mouse over a supervisor ID will show the name of the employee in a tool-tip.
Departments Window : Modified the processing to see if there is Top Supervisor being forced for a department (through the Departments Window).
Import Window : The Departments import template has been modified. There are now four (4) fields that can be imported. Top Supervisor ID (an employee’s ID) has been added to the last column.
Version 12.2024.0812.1
Error Check Beta Window : The “HIRE records without a matching APP” record check has been adjusted for another edge case which will eliminate most false positives.
Version 12.2024.0809.1
Error Check Beta Window : The “HIRE records without a matching APP” record check now includes checking to see if there was an application from a location that is being rolled up (or forced) into the hire record’s included location.
Error Check Beta Window : The “HIRE records without a matching APP” record check now factors in the “Individual’s ID” column. If a non-empty value is in the “Individual’s ID” column, the software will use that to associate records.
Note : The Error Check Beta window is accessed by right-clicking on the “Error Check” button on the main toolbar.
Version 12.2024.0808.1
Disparity Analysis : When hiding Two or More and Unknown Race and also showing Shortfall, a dangling value would appear on the bottom right of the report.
Version 12.2024.0806.2
Goals Progress and Goals Progress Graph : Fixed the message that should appear when there is no data to display.
Version 12.2024.0806.1
Goals Progress : Added an option called “Only Show Groups With Prior Goals?” which is defaulted OFF. If turned on, groups that did not have a prior goal will be removed from the report.
Goals Progress Graph : Added an option called “Only Show Groups With Prior Goals?” which is defaulted OFF. If turned on, groups that did not have a prior goal will be removed from the report.
Version 12.2024.0726.1
Error Check Window : Added disability status and veteran status to the fields list for determining whether or not an activity is a duplicate of another.
Version 12.2024.0711.1
Publishing Window : Added a function called “Revert All Custom Changes” to the right-click context menu that appears when right-clicking the name of a Section. This function is only available for standard sections created by Yocom & McKee. This function will reset the section back to it’s default state and also revert its choice of “Save as Your Default to All Companies”.
Version 12.2024.0703.1
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Blank Job Code” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Blank Job Title” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Blank Department Code” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Blank Department Name” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Blank Job Group Code” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Blank Job Group Name” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Invalid Race Code” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Invalid Gender Code” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Blank EEO Code” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Blank Location Code” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Invalid Location Code” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Note : The Error Check Beta window is accessed by right-clicking on the “Error Check” button on the main toolbar.
Version 12.2024.0627.2
Salary Regression Analysis : Added an option called “Show Gender Analysis?” and it is defaulted ON. If this option is unchecked, the analysis for gender will not be shown.
Salary Regression Analysis : Added an option called “Show Race Analysis?” and it is defaulted ON. If this option is unchecked, the analysis for race will not be shown.
Import Window : Fixed an issue with the workforce import not updating the job group assignment for jobs that only existed for a location because an employee was manually being put into a location via the “Force Into AAP” field.
Version 12.2024.0626.1
Blank Page and Blank Page (Landscape) : Added an option called “Show Page Border?” and it is defaulted OFF. If checked, a solid border will be displayed around the entire page (respecting page margins).
Blank Page and Blank Page (Landscape) : Added an option called “Page Border Thickness”. If the page border is being shown, this value can be adjusted to change the thickness/width.
Version 12.2024.0621.1
Salary Analysis : Added an option called “Exclude Groups With Only One Incumbent?” which is defaulted OFF. If checked, any group that has only one employee/incumbent will be removed from the report.
Version 12.2024.0619.1
Activities Window : The title for the window that appears when the “Import Employees from Another Company…” function is chosen, has been changed to “Import Employees From…”. The previous title was “Import Employment Activities From”. Only the title was changed, the functionality remains the same.
Version 12.2024.0613.1
Executive Summary : The Executive Summary now checks the “Show Minorities as a Whole?” option for the Disparity Reports and if that option is turned ON, the rate and significance values for the “Minorities” group will show.
Version 12.2024.0612.1
Disparity Analysis : When the “Include Two or More in Analysis?” option is turned ON (normally defaulted OFF), the “Two or More” group will no longer be forced to the bottom of the report. Its position will be determined by the comparator activity’s percentage.
Version 12.2024.0607.1
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Blank Race” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Blank Gender” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Duplicate Activity Record” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Added Auto-Fixing capabilities to the “Hire Record Without Matching App Record” error on the Activity Errors tab.
Error Check Beta Window : Optimized processing times and memory usage. Added informational messages when processing takes longer than expected.
Note : The Error Check Beta window is accessed by right-clicking on the “Error Check” button on the main toolbar.
Version 12.2024.0603.1
Disparity Analysis : A numeric overflow error could sometimes occur in the report if a job group had over 32,767 activity occurrences. A little over 2 billion activities are allowed now.
Employee and Activity Summary : Added an option called “Show Commas?” and it is defaulted OFF. If turned on, values over 999 will display comma separators.
Version 12.2024.0530.1
Goals Progress Graph : The “Exclude Promotions To Within the Same Job Group?” option was not respecting the user’s choice (when that choice was to turn off the option), which was sometimes giving conflicting percentages than were displayed in the Goals Progress report.
Version 12.2024.0520.1
Publishing Window : Created a new section/page called “Blank Page (Landscape)” that allows users to create custom narrative pages in landscape mode.
Version 12.2024.0514.1
EEO-1 Reporting : If the “Employer/HQ/Establishment Comments” field is left blank, the software will now place the text “No Comment” into that field when the CSV upload file is created. This should eliminate any warning about missing fields from the Online Filing System.
Version 12.2024.0501.1
EEO-1 Reporting : The CSV file that is created will now trim column values to their maximum allowed length if the user has imported EEO-1 Location Information and immediately clicks on the “Create CSV For Upload” button.
Version 12.2024.0411.1
Veteran Hiring Benchmark : The default hiring benchmark for veterans for plans dated greater than 03/30/2024 is now set to 5.2%.
Version 12.2024.0402.1
Annual Goals/Goals Progress : When annual goals are published, they are saved in a database for archival purposes. In rare cases, job groups that no longer existed within the company would persist in this database and when a user created a new company, the unused job groups would show up in the Prior Goals window and Prior Goals report.
Version 12.2024.0321.1
Content Editor : The “Dun & Bradstreet” and “Parent Dun & Bradstreet” dynamic variables have been removed from the dropdown control.
Data Collection Analysis – Vets : A CSV file is now created automatically in the published folder for the location that contains any applicants that were excluded because a hire was not found.
Data Collection Analysis – Disabled : A CSV file is now created automatically in the published folder for the location that contains any applicants that were excluded because a hire was not found.
Version 12.2024.0318.1
Disparity Analysis – Apps vs Hires : The option “Remove Pages with No Base or Comparator Activity” is now defaulted OFF.
Employees Window : When choosing to filter a column, the counts of the key filter value will now display. These counts are calculated by what is currently visible within the grid. The following columns are affected: Job Code, Department Code, Location Code, Included Location Code, Force Into, Race, Gender, Supervisor, Salary Basis and Included Job Group Code. Example: “M : Male (7)”.
Version 12.2024.0311.3
Disparity Analysis : Fixed an issue when the disparity analysis was run by Job and a job had a different job group code in the prior year.
Disparity Analysis : Added an option called “Remove Pages with No Base or Comparator Activity?” (in the Layout section) and it is defaulted ON. If checked, pages where a group has zero base activity and zero comparator activity will be removed.
Disparity Analysis : Added an option called “Exclude Promotions To Within the Same Job Group?” and it is defaulted OFF. Promotions To activities can be ignored when the promotion to activity occurs within the same job group. This option is only used when Promotions To is selected as either the base or comparator group.
Activities Window : The “Import Employees from Another Company” function would sometimes fail to delete existing PRIORWORKFORCE records.
Activities Window : The “Import Employees from Another Company” function will now ask the user if they’d like to delete existing PRIORWORKFORCE records prior to importing new PRIORWORKFORCE records.
Version 12.2024.0307.1
Availability Analysis : Added an option called “Promotions Format” and it is defaulted to “Code Only”. It allows the user to define the description format for internal promotions. Valid options are “Code Only”, “Title Only” and “Code and Title”.
Current Program Year Analysis : Added an option called “Availability Analysis Section” and it is defaulted to the standard “Availability Analysis”. This is a drop-down list that will display the standard availability analysis along with any custom availability analysis sections. This is used to get the user’s “Promotions Format” option from the availability analysis.
Create a New Company Window : When choosing the “Copy [company name] and prepare it for a new plan year” option, any existing “PRIORWORKFORCE” activities will be deleted from the new company before adding in the new “PRIORWORKFORCE” activities.
Version 12.2024.0304.1
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added an option called “Annualize Base Salary?” and it is defaulted OFF.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added an option called “Convert Part-Time to Full-Time Equivalent?” and it is defaulted OFF.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added an option called “Full-Time Employee Hours” and it is defaulted to 40.0.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added a footnote to each employee to show if their Base Salary was annualized and/or converted to full-time equivalent. If the Base Salary was not changed in any way, the footnote will not show for the employee.
Disparity Analysis : When a user manually chooses a favored gender and/or a favored race, it can sometimes force a statistical analysis test (Fisher’s Exact or Standard Deviation) to be run, when it shouldn’t. In these cases, the report will now show an N/A value instead of attempting to display a test result.
Version 12.2024.0214.2
Weights Window : The “Custom Recruitment Name” is now tied to specific job groups instead of being the same for all job groups.
Weights Window : Added an option (Tools Button —> Options) called “Default Custom Recruitment Name” that is defaulted blank (unless an existing company used custom recruitment before this update — In that case, this option is automatically filled in with their prior custom recruitment name). If a value is entered here, it will be used as the “Custom Recruitment Name” for any job group that doesn’t have a custom recruitment name entered in manually.
Import Window (Weights Import Template) : Added a field at the end of the template called “Custom Recruitment Name”. This name can be different for each job group. If no value is used (empty), the company’s option called “Default Custom Recruitment Name” will be used for that job group.
New Company Window : Removed the importing a company from Version 11 option and put in a descriptive text block explaining what the choice “Copy [Company Name] and prepare it for a new plan year” does.
Version 12.2024.0131.1
Employees Window : Fixed a display issue of the errors for a manually added employee.
Disparity Analysis : All “Report By Filter :” options now have a handy picker tool, to easily choose filters.
Disparity Analysis : Added an option called “Comparator Group Disposition Codes”. It is defaulted blank/empty. If a disposition code or codes are entered for this option and those code(s) exist for the comparator group record, the comparator group record will not be considered for analysis.
Version 12.2024.0119.2
Employees Window : Some read-only fields can now be double-clicked to open up their respective editing windows. When the mouse cursor is hovered over the text in these fields, the tooltip that displays will also show the text “(Double-Click to Edit)”. The following fields now have this functionality: Department Name, Job Title, Job Group Included In, Census Code 1, Census Code 2, Census Code 3, EEO Code.
Disparity Analysis : Fixed a display issue with age band percentages. This issue would appear when the “Show Age Bands?” option was enabled. This option is disabled by default.
Version 12.2024.0118.1
Locations Window : “Dun & Bradstreet #” and “Parent Company Dun & Bradstreet #” have been removed from the grid.
Import Window : “Dun & Bradstreet #” and “Parent Company Dun & Bradstreet #” have been removed from the Locations import template.
Contact Information Section : “Dun & Bradstreet #” and “Parent Company Dun & Bradstreet #” have been removed from the report page.
Publish Window : The “AAPs” tab has been renamed to “Locations”.
Publish Window : The “Only show AAPs” checkbox has been renamed to “Only Show Locations with AAPs” and it is defaulted to be checked for new companies.
Version 12.2024.0105.1
Activity Codes : Changed the system activity code “WORKFORCE” to be “PRIORWORKFORCE”. All reports and data using the old “WORKFORCE” code are automatically changed to the new code.
Version 12.2023.1213.1
Availability Analysis : Custom census areas with a ‘<’ symbol used in their title/name will now display correctly in the Availability Analysis.
Version 12.2023.1128.1
Error Checker : The error checker was throwing an error about a missing column when checking workforce data.
Version 12.2023.1127.2
EEO-1 Report : The following characters (and only these characters) are now automatically stripped from the Unit Name: | , ! # $ % / ( ) = ? » « @ £ § € { } ; < > _ ^ * + [ ] \ : “ ~ `
Version 12.2023.1127.1
Locations Window : The option “Allow Custom Column Widths” was not working. Now, if this option is checked, columns can be resized and the software will remember the layout for the user.
Locations Window : If a location has a blank “EEO Coordinator Name” and the location has at least one (1) included employee, the row will be highlighted in pink and an error message will be displayed at the bottom of the window.
Locations Window : If a location has a blank “Executive Officer Name” and the location has at least one (1) included employee, the row will be highlighted in pink and an error message will be displayed at the bottom of the window.
Locations Window : If a location has a blank “Executive Officer Title” and the location has at least one (1) included employee, the row will be highlighted in pink and an error message will be displayed at the bottom of the window.
Jobs Window : When manually adding a job via the top row of the grid, a job code is no longer mandatory. If a job title is entered and the job code is left blank, a unique job code will be created automatically.
Locations Window : When manually adding a location via the top row of the grid, a location code is no longer mandatory. If a location name is entered and the location code is left blank, a unique location code will be created automatically.
Employees Window : When manually adding an employee via the top row of the grid, an Employee ID is no longer mandatory. If an employee name is entered and the employee ID is left blank, a unique employee ID will be created automatically.
Department Window : When manually adding a department via the top row of the grid, a department code is no longer mandatory. If a department name is entered and the department code is left blank, a unique department code will be created automatically.
Job Group Window : When manually adding a job group via the top row of the grid, a job group code is no longer mandatory. If a job group name is entered and the job group code is left blank, a unique job group code will be created automatically.
Version 12.2023.1116.1
EEO-1 Report Window : Status Code 3, 4, or 8 locations that do not have an Establishment-Level Unit ID (assigned by the EEO-1 Component 1 Online Filing System) will now be classified as Status Code 9.
Version 12.2023.1113.1
Salary Regression Analysis : The footnote of the analysis sometimes omitted the 2nd UDF used as an independent variable when the test yielded a result of “N/A”. This had no effect on the test result, just the footnote text.
Disparity Analysis – Midyear : The text “-Midyear” has been added to the end of the CSV filename that is created that shows applicants that were excluded from the analysis if the report was run in a Mid-year state. “DisparityAnalysis-ExcludedApplicants-Midyear.csv”
Version 12.2023.1110.1
Activities Window : When using the “Import Employees from Another Company” function, the software now checks to see if an employee has been “Excluded” from the plan, and if so, their Job Group Code, Job Group Name, Job Code, Job Title, EEO Code, Department Code, and Department Name values will be set as blank values for the “WORKFORCE” records that are created.
Version 12.2023.1108.1
EEO-1 Report Window : Removed the function that would remove the carriage return and linefeed from the last generated line. Previously, the EEO-1 Component 1 Online Filing System (OFS) would throw an error if there was a “hard return” on the last line. But, they have fixed their issue and now The Complete AAP 12 does not need to create a non-standard CSV file.
Version 12.2023.1107.2
Audit Window : Mid-Year reports sometimes had the word “mid-year” duplicated in the header of a report.
Version 12.2023.1107.1
New Company Window : When copying a company and preparing it for a new plan year, the software now checks to see if an employee has been “Excluded” from the plan, and if so, their Job Group Code, Job Group Name, Job Code, Job Title, EEO Code, Department Code, and Department Name values will be set as blank values for the “WORKFORCE” records that are created in the Activities window.
Version 12.2023.1102.2
EEO-1 Report Window : Added an apostrophe to the beginning of field 16 (Workforce Snapshot Period) in the CSV export file. This is allowed by the EEOC and it prevents Microsoft Excel from converting the numeric values to scientific notation if the file is opened and resaved in Microsoft Excel.
EEO-1 Report Window : Added a blank space to the final field in the CSV export file if a comment isn’t entered by a user for a specific location. This is done to prevent Microsoft Excel from deleting the column when it is opened and resaved in Excel.
Version 12.2023.1102.1
EEO-1 Report Window : Removed the carriage return and linefeed character from the last line of the exported CSV file. This most likely is not a necessary change, but it will ensure validation by the online import system.
EEO-1 Report Window : Removed the “AAP Required?” field from the company options.
EEO-1 Report Window : Added a field called “Federal Contractor?” to the location options. This field has been added to the EEO1 location import template as well. Blank values for this field in the import file will be defaulted to True/Yes.
Version 12.2023.1026.1
Audit Window : The Workforce Analysis was removed from the AAP for Women and Minorities for all audit types and replaced by the Organization Display.
Version 12.2023.1006.1
EEO-1 Report Window : Updated all options and output to be compliant with the 2022 EEO-1 Component 1 Data Collection Online Filing System. Because of these changes, the “EEO-1” import template has been modified.
EEO-1 Report Window : The “Preview” button has been removed. The EEO-1 report can only be exported to a CSV which is accepted by the online filing system.
Jobs List : Added an option called “Horizontal Line Between Jobs?” which is defaulted ON. If selected, a horizontal line will be shown between each job to help with readability when multiple census codes are used.
Version 12.2023.0927.1
Support Data Template : Removed the Cohort Analysis.
Data Collection Analysis : Added an option called “Show a Total Row?”. This is defaulted ON. If checked, a row will display that will show the overall totals for the group.
Data Collection Analysis : Added an option called “Show Applicants?”. This is defaulted ON. This allows the user to show or hide the Applicants column.
Data Collection Analysis : Added an option called “Show Hires and Promotions?”. This is defaulted ON. This allows the user to show or hide the Hires and Promotions column.
Data Collection Analysis : Added an option called “Show Total Openings?”. This is defaulted ON. This allows the user to show or hide the Total Openings column.
Data Collection Analysis : Added an option called “Show Total Jobs Filled?”. This is defaulted ON. This allows the user to show or hide the Total Jobs Filled column.
Publishing : Added a new section called “Vets AAP : Protected Veterans Benchmark (Mid-Year Progress)”. This section is used when accessing the following reports through the Audits window : Mid-Year Reports for Compliance Review, CMCE, and the FAAP Compliance Review.
Publishing : Added a new section called “Disabled AAP : Utilization of Individuals with Disabilities (Mid-Year Progress)”. This section is used when accessing the following reports through the Audits window : Mid-Year Reports for Compliance Review, CMCE, and the FAAP Compliance Review.
Disparity Analysis : Added a new value called “Job Title” for the “Job Order” option under the Sorting category. If the “Report By” option is set to “Jobs” and this new value is selected, then the report will be ordered by Job Title.
Disparity Analysis : Added a new value called “Job Group Code, Job Title” for the “Job Order” option under the Sorting category. If the “Report By” option is set to “Jobs” and this new value is selected, then the report will be ordered by Job Group Code and then by Job Title.
Audit – Disparity Analysis : When the Disparity Analysis for Apps/Hire, Promotions, and Terminations are run through the Audit window, they will be sorted by Job Title.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added an option called “Report By” in the “Calculation” category. The two values that can be chosen are “All Employees” and “Job Group”. “All Employees” is the default. If “All Employees” is chosen, no grouping will be applied. If “Job Group” is chosen, the list of employees will be grouped by their Job Group.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added a summary footer that will display totals for the report. The new fields are Total Employees, Total Male, Total Female, Total White, Total Minority, Total Black, Total Hispanic, Total Asian, Total American Indian, Total Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and Total Two or More. If the “Report By” option is set to “Job Group”, separate totals for each group will be given.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Adjusted the layout of the report to enable multiple new fields that have been added.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added a “Commissions” field for each employee. This field is shown by default, but can be turned off with the new “Show Commissions?” option in the “Column Visibility” category.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added a “Overtime” field for each employee. This field is shown by default, but can be turned off with the new “Show Overtime?” option in the “Column Visibility” category.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added a “Bonuses” field for each employee. This field is shown by default, but can be turned off with the new “Show Bonuses?” option in the “Column Visibility” category.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added a “Merit Increases” field for each employee. This field is shown by default, but can be turned off with the new “Show Merit Increases?” option in the “Column Visibility” category.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added a “Locality Pay” field for each employee. This field is shown by default, but can be turned off with the new “Show Locality Pay?” option in the “Column Visibility” category.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added a “Incentives” field for each employee. This field is shown by default, but can be turned off with the new “Show Incentives?” option in the “Column Visibility” category.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added the ability to show/hide 10 User-Defined Fields. By default, all 10 of these fields are hidden, but can be turned on with their new respective “Show UDFXX?” options in the “Column Visibility” category.
Support Data Document : Removed the section “Disabled AAP : Action Oriented Programs”.
Placement Goals – Comparing Incumbency to Availability : Changed the sub-header to “41 CFR Section 60-2.15, 60-2.16”.
Support Data Document : Removed the section “Action Oriented Programs”.
AAP for Women and Minorities : Added the section “Action Oriented Programs”.
Audit – AAP for Women and Minorities : Removed the section “Organizational Display”.
Audit – AAP for Women and Minorities : Added the section “Workforce Analysis” with the “Show Salary?” option turned OFF.
Employee Level Compensation Data : Added an option called “Auto-Hide Columns With No Data?” and it is defaulted ON. If selected, any compensation column (including user-defined fields) that is set to be visible/shown, will be set to hidden if that column has no data in it.
Version 12.2023.0901.1
Executive Summary : Fixed an issue with the “Statistically Significant?” columns for Hawaiian/Pac. Islander showing a blank value instead of ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘N/A’.
Version 12.2023.0807.1
Activities Window : Fixed a possible “out of memory” issue when displaying the Activities window with a very large activity database.
Version 12.2023.0727.2
Availability Analysis : Adjusted the formatting of the internal promotions footer text to force it to talk about the current location’s feeders first.
Disparity Analysis : Fixed an error that was being thrown when an activity had a job code with an apostrophe.
Version 12.2023.0727.1
Availability Analysis : Adjusted the formatting of the internal promotions footer text to improve readability when job groups and/or jobs from outside locations are used.
Salary Regression Analysis : Added an option called “Show Failed Group Size?” which is defaulted OFF. If checked, only the groups that fail the ‘Minimum Group size to Test’ and/or the ‘Minimum Subgroup Size to Test’ values will be included in the analysis. The ‘Display All Groups?’ option also needs to be turned off for this new option to be used.
Version 12.2023.0717.1
Salary Analysis : If the “Only Show Significant Tests?” option was ON (by default it is set off) and no groups had significance an error or a blank page could be shown.
Version 12.2023.0714.1
Availability Calculations : If a job had a valid Census Code 1, but an invalid Census Code 2 and/or Census Code 3, 0% was being forced as the census availability for the job. The software will now ignore any invalid codes for jobs and if there is at least one valid census code in any one of the fields, availability will be calculated for the job.
Version 12.2023.0712.1
Locations Window : The function “Export Location Data (with extra info)” now includes two additional columns: “Employee Count” and “Included Employee Count”.
Version 12.2023.0707.1
Companies Window : The software will no longer try and add a company folder that has a corrupted database.
Version 12.2023.0706.1
Companies Window : The companies window will now automatically check to see if there are any company folders that have been manually copied into the “…\Aap12Data\data\” folder. If the software detects one or more of these folders, they will be added to the list of available companies. [Note: Manually copying and/or moving data files or folders is never recommended unless it is suggested by technical support.]
Version 12.2023.0627.2
Activities Window : Selecting a custom date range, while deleting activities would sometimes throw an error and the activities were not deleted.
Activities Window : Selecting a custom date range, while exporting activities would sometimes throw an error and the activities were not exported.
Version 12.2023.0622.1
Cohort Report : Employees with confidential salaries will now have the word “Confidential” place in the “Salary” field for this report.
Activities Window : When deleting activities, there is a new checkbox (see image below) that says “Visible Records Only?”. If checked, only the records that are currently visible within the grid will be deleted. So for example, if you’ve manually filtered to view only Veterans and you choose to delete all records, it’ll only delete the Veterans (because they are visible in the grid).
Activities Window : When exporting activities, there is a new checkbox (see image below) that says “Visible Records Only?”. If checked, only the records that are currently visible within the grid will be exported. So for example, if you’ve manually filtered to view only Veterans and you choose to export all records, it’ll only export the Veterans (because they are visible in the grid).
Version 12.2023.0608.1
Application-Wide : Adjusted (downward) the number of connections to the company databases that are necessary during a few data intensive procedures.
Version 12.2023.0606.2
Goals Progress Report : If the Goals Progress report was run from within a custom document (for multiple locations) and a Disparity Analysis report was included in that document and had the “Base Group : Ignore Dates?” or the “Comparator Group : Ignore Dates?” option set to ON, the Goals Progress report could report 0 values for incumbents, hires and promotions.
Version 12.2023.0606.1
Employee and Activity Summary : An incorrect total of unknown race could appear for an activity if that activity had a value of “U” instead of a blank value. “U” is an acceptable value for both race and gender.
Version 12.2023.0601.2
Audit Response – Activity Summary : There was a possibility of activities not appearing on the report after version 12.2023.0518.1 was released.
Import Window : Prior to this update a value of ‘X’ in a yes/no import field would automatically assume that the value meant ‘Yes’. It no longer makes this assumption. A pop-up window will now appear for this value, asking the user to assign its meaning.
Version 12.2023.0601.1
Current Program Year Analysis : If there was a very large percentage of applicants that didn’t have an assigned race and the Disparity Analysis had the “Show Unknowns?” option set, the CPYA text may not have coincided with the Disparity Analysis.
Version 12.2023.0531.1
Activities Window : Fixed out of memory issues when deleting records.
All Windows : Fixed multiple issues when closing windows on application exit.
Version 12.2023.0530.1
Salary Analysis : Added an option called “Column Text : Significance Test”. The default for this option is “Significance Test”.
Salary Regression Analysis : An error (Input string was not in a correct format) could occur if the “Favored Group Method” option had not been set.
Data Entry Windows : An error (Object Reference Not Set…) could occur on closing of the window when a network connection was no longer valid.
Activities Window : Adjusted memory usage when batches of records were set for deletion. In very large datasets, an (Object Reference Not Set…) error could occur due to an out of memory event.
Version 12.2023.0519.1
Application Closing : An error could occur if data windows were left open and the user attempted to close the application.
Version 12.2023.0518.2
Publishing Options Window : An error could occur when attempting to close the window after a certain type of option was changed.
Version 12.2023.0518.1
Application : Memory releasing adjustments.
Version 12.2023.0511.1
Contact Information Section : Fixed an issue with job group names sometimes showing differently than they appeared within the job group window.
Version 12.2023.0509.1
Current Program Year Analysis : Added an option called “Use Company Name?” and it is defaulted OFF. If checked, the Company Name will be used instead of the Location Name on the report.
Version 12.2023.0502.1
Grid Filters and Sorting Preferences : Added an option called “Save Grid Filters and Sorting Preferences?” to the Options, User Interface, Main Application window. It is turned off be default. If enabled, windows with data grids will automatically save the last used grid filter and the sort order.
Activities Window : When using the “Import Employees From Another Company…” function available on the Tools button, the software will detect if the employees being imported have different location codes than exist in the current company. If different codes are detected, a dialog window will ask the user if they’d like to add the locations to the current company.
Version 12.2023.0502.1
EEO-1 Report : Fixed an issue with employees being put into a supervisor’s location (when the “Rollup Employees to the Supervisor?” option was selected), but the supervisor was no longer in that location because their location was also being “rolled up”.
Version 12.2023.0412.1
Salary Regression Analysis of Pay Analysis Groups : Added an option called “Favored Group Method” and it is defaulted to “Average Salary”. This option determines the function (Average Salary or Median Salary) used on salaries to determine the favored group.
Version 12.2023.0331.1
Help Menu : Added a link to the software license agreement.
Protected Veteran Benchmark : Updated the Hiring Benchmark for Protected Veterans to 5.4% as of 03/31/2023.
Version 12.2023.0329.1
Potential Compensation Issues : Added an option called “Salary Regression Section” that allows the user to choose which Salary Regression section (custom or standard) will be used to gather the analysis results.
Version 12.2023.0327.1
Activities Window : When using the “Import Employees from Another Company” function, the newly imported “WORKFORCE” records will place the employee’s “Included In Location/AAP” code into the “Force Into AAP” field to ensure that the records are not affected by activity rollups. The location code field will be filled in with the employee’s physical location code.
Version 12.2023.0324.1
Disabled AAP : Data Collection Analysis of Individuals with Disabilities : Added an option called “Exclude Applicants With No Hires? (by Job Code)” which is defaulted OFF. If checked, applicants will only be included if the application is associated with a job code that had at least one hire.
Disabled AAP : Data Collection Analysis of Individuals with Disabilities : Added an option called “Exclude Applicants With No Hires? (by Job Group Code)” which is defaulted OFF. If checked, applicants will only be included if the application is associated with a job group code that had at least one hire.
Disabled AAP : Data Collection Analysis of Individuals with Disabilities : Added an option called “Exclude Applicants With No Hires? (by Requisition Code)” which is defaulted OFF. If checked, applicants will only be included if the application is associated with a requisition code that had at least one hire.
Vets AAP : Data Collection Analysis of Protected Veterans : Added an option called “Exclude Applicants With No Hires? (by Job Code)” which is defaulted OFF. If checked, applicants will only be included if the application is associated with a job code that had at least one hire.
Vets AAP : Data Collection Analysis of Protected Veterans : Added an option called “Exclude Applicants With No Hires? (by Job Group Code)” which is defaulted OFF. If checked, applicants will only be included if the application is associated with a job group code that had at least one hire.
Vets AAP : Data Collection Analysis of Protected Veterans : Added an option called “Exclude Applicants With No Hires? (by Requisition Code)” which is defaulted OFF. If checked, applicants will only be included if the application is associated with a requisition code that had at least one hire.
Support Data : When the “Support Data” document is published from the Audit window, the Data Collection Analysis (for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans) will now have the “Exclude Applicants With No Hires (by Job Code)” set ON.
Version 12.2023.0310.1
Employee and Activity Summary : Added a “Protected Veterans” column to the report.
Employee and Activity Summary : Added options to the report to allow changing the text for any column header.
Employee and Activity Summary : Reformatted the report header order to be similar in style to other reports.
Salary Regression Analysis : Added an option called “Flag Both Positive and Negative Deviation?” and it is defaulted ON. If checked, standard deviation values <= -2 and >= 2 will be flagged for significance. If unchecked, only standard deviation values less <= -2 will be flagged for significance.
Job Group Analysis Annotations : Fixed an issue with the annotations report showing all employees regardless if they were annotated or not. This was happening when the workforce was deleted, reimported and then the report was run immediately.
Version 12.2023.0302.1
Weights Window : The grid could get into a disabled state and remain that way. This has been fixed.
Weights Window : Added a function to the Tools button called “Clear Grid Filters”. This will remove any user-placed filters on the grid and place it in its default state.
Weights Window : Added a function to the Tools button called “Reset Grid Layout”. This will reset the layout of the grid to its default state.
Version 12.2023.0228.1
Salary Regression Analysis : Added an option called “Round Salaries To Nearest Dollar?” which is defaulted ON. If selected, the annualized salary values for each employee will be rounded to the nearest dollar before they are analyzed.
Salary Regression Analysis : Fixed an issue with location code not being included as an independent variable when it was selected. [Note] Location Code is not included as an independent variable when the analysis is run with the recommended settings.
Version 12.2023.0224.1
Salary Regression Analysis : When multiple categorical independent variables were selected, they regression test was reporting N/A in some cases.
Salary Regression Analysis : The “Discard IVs That Aren’t Significant?” option has been removed from the analysis.
Cohort Report : This report is now defaulted to report by Job Group, rather than by Job.
Version 12.2023.0220.2
Employee and Activity Summary : Differently formatted dates (for the same date) will no longer show up on multiple pages in the “WORKFORCE” section.
Cohort Analysis : Added an option called “Show Hire Date?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, the Hire Date column will be hidden.
Version 12.2023.0216.1
Salary Regression Analysis : Added an option called “Remove Employees With a Blank Value?” which is defaulted OFF. If selected, any employee that has a blank value for an independent variable will be removed from the analysis.
Salary Regression Analysis : Adjusted the way categorical independent variables (like department code and location code) are used/calculated in the analysis. A “dummy coding” method is now used instead of treating their values as integers.
Version 12.2023.0207.1
Disparity Analysis : Added an option called “Force Fisher’s Exact Column To Show?” which is defaulted OFF. If checked, this option will show the Fisher’s Exact column regardless if it is being used to determine disparity or not.
Disparity Analysis : Added an option called “Force Std. Deviation Column To Show?” which is defaulted OFF. If checked, this option will show the Std. Deviation column regardless if it is being used to determine disparity or not.
Disparity Analysis : Added an option called “Force 80% Column To Show?” which is defaulted OFF. If checked, this option will show the 80% column regardless if it is being used to determine disparity or not.
Version 12.2023.0203.1
Workforce Comparison Report : Employees were sometimes being added to the report if they were newly hired into a job code and during the year had at least one activity that moved them into a different job.
Version 12.2023.0123.1
Grids : Changed the grid filtering and sort saving feature to be company specific for many of the grids.
Version 12.2023.0119.1
Salary Analysis : Added an option called “Use $ Amount in Significance Test?” which is defaulted ON. If this is checked on, the dollar amount in the ‘Significance Test $ Amount’ option will be used in the significance test (if that is enabled). If unchecked, the dollar amount will not be used as a test of significance.
Salary Analysis : Added an option called “Use % Amount in Significance Test?” which is defaulted ON. If this is checked on, the percentage amount in the ‘Significance Test % Amount’ option will be used in the significance test (if that is enabled). If unchecked, the percentage amount will not be used as a test of significance.
Version 12.2023.0118.1
Companies Window : The list of companies was being sorted alphabetically using proper-case. This has been changed to an upper-case sort.
All Grids : Grids within the software will now remember any column sorting and/or column filters and will attempt to apply them when they are viewed again.
Version 12.2023.0111.1
Executive Summary : Added an option called “Breakout Minorities?” which is defaulted ON. If turned off, minorities will be shown as a whole.
Executive Summary Graph : Added an option called “Breakout Minorities?” which is defaulted ON. If turned off, minorities will be shown as a whole.
Version 12.2022.1219.1
Cohort Analysis : When the option “Show Job Code?” is unchecked, the report will now also hide the job code from the subtitle of the report as well as the job code column.
Cohort Analysis : When the option “Show Job Title?” is unchecked, the report will now also hide the job title from the subtitle of the report as well as the job title column.
Version 12.2022.1213.1
Audit Window : The “Cohort Analysis” has been removed from the Support Data document that is created when using the “Support Data” button on the Audit window.
Version 12.2022.1209.2
Publishing : When a company is in mid-year mode, any filename that is published to disk will now be appended with “-midyear”.
Audit Window : Removed “Section 503 Focused Review” from the available selections.
Audit Window : Removed “Compliance Check” from the available selections.
Audit Window : When the “Publish” button (next to “Mid-Year Reports”) is clicked, the Publishing window will appear and give the user a single document to publish instead of individual sections. The sections within the document have not changed (except for the order that they are published).
Version 12.2022.1208.3
Cohort Analysis : Changed the “Report By” option to be defaulted to “Job”. It was originally set to “All Employees”.
Cohort Analysis : Changed the “Show Employee Name?” option to be defaulted to OFF.
Support Data Document : Added the “Cohort Analysis” to the Support Data document.
Support Data Document : Added a section called “Evaluation of Compensations Systems” to the Support Data document.
Compensation Analysis Cover Page : Added the words “INTERNAL USE ONLY” underneath “PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL”.
Version 12.2022.1118.1
Annual Goals : Adjusted the ‘Whole Person Rule’ calculation to guarantee that ‘Persons Under’ values less than 1 would not set a goal for a group.
Version 12.2022.1115.1
Sample Company : Updated the Sample Company to the current census data.
Restore Window : Removed the directory browse box (with the 3 dots) and replaced it with a Browse button.
Backup Window : Removed the directory browse box (with the 3 dots) and replaced it with a Browse button.
Version 12.2022.1108.1
Import (Workforce Template) : Fixed an issue where the import could place a job in an incorrect job group when the job group code was not imported.
Version 12.2022.1101.2
Job Group Analysis : When the “Only Show Minorities as a Whole?” option was checked, a message stating “AAP totals may show an unexpected value because on ore more employees have a missing gender and/or race” was inadvertently showing on the report.
Disparity Analysis : When age bands were shown and the “Base Group: Ignore Dates?” option was checked, the ages of the employees were incorrectly placed into a single age band.
Version 12.2022.1004.1
Publishing Window : Added a function called “Verify Options” to the Tools button, Advanced Functions menu. This is a troubleshooting function that rarely needs to be used. If a user is experiencing an issue with not seeing an expected option on a report/section, this function will rescan the databases and verify that all options exist.
Version 12.2022.0930.1
Availability Analysis : Added an option called “Custom Census Format” to allow users greater control over how custom census areas are labeled on this report. There are 5 choices available. “Custom Area Name Only”, “Custom Area Name + Detail + %”, “Custom Area Name + Detail”, “Detail + %”, and “Detail Only”. “Custom Area Name Only” is the default for this report.
Census Area Window : Searching for census areas on the Custom Areas tab will now also search the elements of each custom area instead of just the name of the custom area.
Version 12.2022.0923.2
Availability Analysis : An error was being thrown sometimes when the custom census area parser attempted to create the footnote for a job group.
Version 12.2022.0923.1
Availability Analysis : When custom census areas are shown in the footnotes, they will now contain the name of the custom area and every census area included in the custom area along with their percentages.
Import – Activities Template : The “Force Into” field will now be automatically converted to uppercase.
Disparity Analysis : If this report finds activities with lowercase “Force Into” values, those activities will now be included in the correct location.
Disparity Analysis : When the report doesn’t find any base group activities or comparator group activities for any job group, the informational message will now also show the date range by default. Ex: “There was no activity for the 1/1/2021 to 12/31/2021 reporting period.”
Version 12.2022.0921.1
Employee List – Additional Compensation Fields : Added a new optional section/report called “Employee List – Additional Compensation Fields”. It includes the employees’ commissions, overtime, bonuses, merit, locality pay, and incentives. All fields have options to hide/show them.
Version 12.2022.0916.1
Salary Analysis : The “Only Show Significant Tests?” option (which is normally defaulted OFF) will now only show groups that have a “No” value in at least one of the tests.
Version 12.2022.0915.1
VETS-4212 Reporting – MSC Reports : If locations have manually entered (or imported) minimum and maximum employee numbers, the software will now add the totals together for each combined location instead of just using the minimum and maximum number for the reporting location.
Version 12.2022.0912.1
Goals Progress Description : ’60-2.17(d)’ was removed from the subtitle.
Salary Analysis : Added an option called “Only Show Significant Tests?” and it is defaulted OFF. If checked, only groups that fail the significance test in at least one race/gender line will be shown.
VETS-4212 Reporting – MSC Reports : An error was being thrown when location codes had similar naming to the database fields.
Version 12.2022.0902.1
Job Group List : When the option “Show Census Areas?” is on (this is normally defaulted off), the report will now also display the second census area chosen for a job group if available.
Version 12.2022.0831.1
Job Group Analysis : Added a footnote to the report that appears when at least one or more employees in the company have a blank gender or race. The footnote says “* AAP totals may show an unexpected value because one or more employees have a missing gender and/or race.”
Annual Goals : The annual goals report will now display a correct employee count when there are employees with blank gender or race values.
Salary Regression Analysis : When the option “Use Total Minorities in Analysis” is checked, the line item that compares White to Total Minorities will be forced to be shown when White is not the favored group.
Version 12.2022.0818.1
VETS-4212 Reporting – MSC Reports : Consolidated Reporting (MSC) (which is an optional reporting method) is now creating the VETS upload file correctly. A headquarters record is created, followed by separate records for each location that has 50+ employees, and finally MSC records are created for each state that consolidate locations with less than 50 employees in them. The state records choose the reporting location to be the location with the most employees.
Version 12.2022.0815.1
VETS-4212 Reporting : If a location is manually designated as the headquarters and has 0 employees, the software will no longer allow that and will automatically choose a more suitable location to be the headquarters.
Version 12.2022.0812.1
Employee and Activity Summary : Added an option called “Show Activity Code?” and it is defaulted ON. If checked, the activity code will be shown in the header of the page. If unchecked, only the activity description will be shown in the header.
Employee and Activity Summary : Added an option called “Include Job Groups Not In Current AAP?” and it is defaulted ON. If checked, job groups that don’t exist in the current AAP but do exist within the activities will be shown. If unchecked, job groups that are found within the activites but not in the current AAP will not be displayed.
Version 12.2022.0809.1
VETS-4212 Reporting : When a “Minimum Number” or “Maximum Number” for a location has a 0 value, the software will automatically calculate the minimum and maximum employee values using HIRE, TERMINV, and TERMVOL activities within the date range.
Version 12.2022.0729.1
Data Collection Analysis : Added an option called “Analyze Promotions To Only?” and it is defaulted OFF. If checked, hires will be removed from the ‘Hires and Promotions’ column and the ‘Hire & Promotion Ratio’ column and only promotions to will be counted.
Activities Window : The “Tools, Advanced Functions, Import Employees From Another Company” will no longer throw an error if an employee being imported does not have a department code.
Version 12.2022.0714.1
Employee Level Compensation Data : An option called “Show Salary Code?” has been added to this report. It is defaulted OFF. If selected, a salary code column will appear instead of the base and/or total salary column.
Availability Analysis : Fixed a parsing error when a custom census area name had an ampersand within it.
Version 12.2022.0701.1
Weights Window : The “2020 IPEDS Completions Survey” is now available as a choice for Schools Availability.
Assessment of Outreach : Prevented the report from printing a header on a separate page when a record had an outreach description with an very long length. Descriptions will now wrap to the next page. The header for this report will also now be printed on every page.
Version 12.2022.0614.1
Workforce Analysis and Workforce Analysis Annotations : A new option has been added called “Sort Salary Codes Alphabetically?” By default, this option is checked/on. If checked, salary codes will sort alphabetically. If unchecked, salary codes will be sorted by the average salary for that code within the department.
Import Window : The weights import template tooltip for the “Census Year” item has been updated to show the values for the 2018 Residence and Worksite data.
Version 12.2022.0613.1
Workforce Analysis : If salary codes were being displayed (salary codes are not displayed by default), they could sometimes be displayed in a non-alphabetical order.
Job Group Analysis : If salary codes were being displayed next to the jobs (salary codes are not displayed by default), some salary codes were being incorrectly included within other salary codes.
Version 12.2022.0603.1
Organizational Display : Improved the way departments are displayed when there isn’t a manager physically located within the department. In some cases, they were being listed/displayed as top level departments.
Version 12.2022.0524.1
Potential Compensation Issues : This report will no longer show job codes or department codes if the option “Show Job Codes?” or “Show Department Codes?” is unchecked in the Salary Regression report. The report will show the job titles or department names instead.
Version 12.2022.0518.1
Employee and Activity Summary : The header for each page/activity will now be repeated on every page when there are a large amount of job groups that wrap to the next page.
Version 12.2022.0517.1
Availability Analysis : Fixed a footnote wrapping issue for job groups that had extremely long lists of promotables, schools, etc.
Version 12.2022.0510.1
Potential Compensation Issues : This report section was throwing a processing error when a job code or job group code had an ampersand (&) contained within it.
Version 12.2022.0505.1
Outreach Window : Removed the “Set IWD Utilization Goal and Veteran Hiring Benchmark…” function from the Tools button because these options can be set within the publishing window.
Networking : Fixed various issues that could happen when the user was on a slow or non-existent network connection.
Version 12.2022.0502.1
Import : When importing Locations using Locations template. . . The Roll Up Outreach Into Location Column was not populating with information from import file.
Version 12.2022.0428.2
Dynamic Weights : In some rare cases, it was possible to set the beginning activity date and/or ending activity date to 01/01/0001 even though it looked blank/empty in the user interface.
Error Check Window : It was possible to set the beginning activity date and/or ending activity date to 01/01/0001 even though it looked blank/empty in the options user interface.
Locations Window : When a location is deleted, any employee that had that location as a “Force Into AAP” value, will now have that value changed to blank.
Version 12.2022.0420.1
Error Check : Reworked some database processing for larger datasets and sped up auto-fixing in some cases.
Publishing Window : Fixed an issue with the “Reset All Options to Recommended Settings” function causing the Comp Analysis to be selected automatically in the documents tab.
Version 12.2022.0414.2
Disparity Analysis : Fixed an issue with the footer not displaying correctly when a custom activity code was used as either the base or comparator group and had an ampersand within its name.
Version 12.2022.0413.2
Workforce Analysis : Employees were sometimes being incorrectly tagged as managing multiple departments when they had values imported into their user defined field #1 and #2 columns.
Version 12.2022.0413.1
Employee and Activity Summary : Job groups that exist within the activities table but not in the job groups table will now be displayed on the report on all pages.
Version 12.2022.0411.1
Current Program Year Analysis : When a custom combined area was used in the Additional Census Area field on the Weights window, it was not displaying a footnote on the CPYA.
Version 12.2022.0408.1
Salary Analysis : Changed the text for the “Show 2% or $2K Test?” option to “Show % or $ Significance Test?”.
Salary Analysis : Added an option called “Significance Test % Amount” which is defaulted to 2.
Salary Analysis : Added an option called “Significance Test $ Amount” which is defaulted to 2000.
Salary Analysis : Groups that have zero employees will no longer be analyzed/displayed.
All Reports : Locations without an address, city, state, or zip code should display a much cleaner header.
Veteran Hiring Benchmark : The default protected veteran hiring benchmark has been updated to 5.5% for AAPs dated 03/31/2022 and after.
Version 12.2022.0317.1
Import Window : When importing activities, if the software detects a location code that doesn’t exist in the company yet, the mapping window will now allow the user to automatically create that location or select a different location to map the code to.
Version 12.2022.0311.1
Annual Goals Report : Changed the citation on the Annual Goals report from: “41 CFR Section 60-2.16” to “41 CFR Sections 60-2.15, 60-2.16”.
Version 12.2022.0310.1
Utilization Trend Analysis : Fixed an issue with the report not respecting the “Roll Up Emp. Activities Into Location” field on the Locations window.
Version 12.2022.0228.1
Main Application : Fixed an exception that could occur on some PC environments after the application’s splash screen was shown.
Version 12.2022.0224.1
Utilization Trend Analysis : Fixed the dates for the ‘Total Employees’ header when the option to Break out Minorities was unchecked.
Version 12.2022.0222.2
Copy a Recruitment Profile : Added the ability to copy the newly added “Additional Census Area” item.
Version 12.2022.0222.1
Disparity Analysis : Fixed an issue with results being displayed instead of ‘N/A’ for negative comparator activities on unfavored groups when the favored group had more comparator activities than base activities and the unfavored group had 0 activities (example: 2 in WORKFORCE and 4 were Terminated for the favored group, and the unfavored group had 0 Terminations).
Version 12.2022.0221.1
Employees Window : Added a read-only column called “Dept. Name” to the employee grid.
Disparity Analysis : When the report is run by Requisition, the subtitle of the report will now include the job group code(s) (if any) that the requisition is in.
Version 12.2022.0218.3
Audit Response – Activity Summary : The “Exclude Applicants With No Hires? (by Requisition Code)” option (which is defaulted off) was not excluding some applicants if the software found a hire with that requisition code within another job group. This function should now mimic the Disparity Analysis.
Version 12.2022.0218.2
Disparity Analysis : Applicants and Hires : The diagnostic CSV file (DisparityAnalysis-ExcludedApplicants.csv) that is automatically created when using one or more of the 3 “Exclude applicants without…” options, did not always contain all of the applicants that were excluded from the report. All excluded applicants are now represented in the diagnostic file.
Version 12.2022.0218.1
Main Application : The Complete AAP 12 now requires .NET Framework 4.8 to be installed on the Windows computer. This framework is installed automatically during normal Windows Updates starting with the Windows 10 May 2019 update. The majority (if not all) users will already have this framework installed on their PCs.
Encryption : The encryption libraries have been upgraded and are now completely FIPS compliant. Prior to this change, some PCs were unable to run The Complete AAP 12 software when the following was set to Enabled in their Local Security Policy: Local Policies – Security Options – System cryptography (Use FIPS compliant algorithms…). This local policy is normally disabled on the majority of systems.
Version 12.2022.0217.2
Weights Window : A new company option called “Allow Additional Census Selection?” has been added and it is defaulted OFF. If checked, the Weights window will show an additional census area selection line. In most cases, this is not necessary because most census areas can be combined with other areas. This option may be useful if you are using a ‘collapsed percentage area’ that cannot be combined with other census areas.
Employees Window : Added a read-only column called “Job Title” to the employee grid.
Utilization Trend Analysis : When the option “Break out Minorities?” was unchecked, the report was showing an invalid date in the minority header. All data on the report was/is accurate.
Weights Window & Import Window : The “Tools, Advanced Functions, Import Employees From Another Company” function now allows users to choose any company (including the current company). It also grants the user the ability to change the date that will be used for the ‘WORKFORCE’ activities that will be created.
Activities Window : The weights import template has been changed slightly. Two new columns (‘Census Area #2 Weight %’ and ‘Census Area #2 Code’) have been added that allow the user to import and export weights.
Version 12.2022.0208.1
Employees Window : Added functionality to the Filter dropdown for many columns. The filter will now show additional information next to a “code”. Filters have been modified for Location Code, Location Included In, Race, Gender, Department Code, Job Code, Supervisor, Salary Basis, Force Into AAP, Job Group Included In.
Version 12.2022.0207.1
Weights Window : Fixed an issue with the Net Availability line displaying zeroes if the School Weight % had a null value.
Version 12.2022.0203.2
Census Data : Added 60 new census areas to the 2018 census data sets. These CBSA areas are collapsed percentage areas. The EEO Tabulation provided percentages for each area, but not actual employment counts. These areas can be selected to be used for all reporting purposes. The areas cannot be used within a “combined” area because without employment counts, the resulting area can not be accurately created. When viewing the data for one of these new areas, only the percentages will be shown. Viewing raw data is not available because it was not provided.
Census Data : Added the state name to 2018 residence census data for “State-County Set” area types. For example, the State-County Set 90200US08CS001 was previously named “Adams”. It is now renamed to “Adams (Colorado)”.
Goals Progress Report :This report will no longer display an error on the report page when a job group code contains an ampersand (&).
Version 12.2022.0126.1
Weights Window : When the “Show Availability” option is enabled in the Weights window, in addition to the Availability percentages, a new read-only line called “Utilization %” will be displayed directly underneath. If the mouse cursor is hovered over the percentage value, a tooltip will show the number employees in that race/gender category.
Audit Response – Activity Summary : Added 3 options to allow excluding applicants with no hires (by job code, requisition code, or job group code).
Disparity Analysis – Terminations : The “Base Group : Ignore Dates?” and “Comparator Group : Ignore Dates?” options were not functioning properly when Terminations was either the base or the comparator group.
Version 12.2022.0125.1
Assessment of Outreach and Recruitment Activities : The report will no longer show a red box “error” when there are zero outreach activities.
2018 Census Data : The American Indian data for all 2018 census areas were being inflated accidentally. This did not affect the values/percentages that were being reported for minority totals. The only visible change on reports will be seen if the “Availability Analysis” or the “Annual Goals” are displayed with the “Break Out Minorities?” option enabled (by default, this option is disabled). The raw and net availability percentages for American Indians will almost always be smaller than the values seen before this fix.
Version 12.2022.0119.1
Workforce Analysis : Salary codes that consisted of alpha characters were sometimes not sorting alphabetically.
Locations Window : When the “Roll Up Small Locations” option is selected, a new field/column will appear in the grid called “Roll Up Outreach Into Location”. This field allows a user to select a location to roll any outreach activities into.
Outreach Window : When the “Roll Up Small Locations” option is selected in the Locations window, a new read-only column called “Included In” will display in the Outreach Window. This column shows which location/aap an activity will show up on for the Outreach report.
Assessment of Outreach and Recruitment Activities for Women and Minorities : Added a “Location” column that displays the location the activity occurred in. This column is only visible when the “Roll Up Small Locations” option is selected in the Locations window.
Version 12.2022.0117.1
2010 to 2018 Census Code Crosswalk : The crosswalk wasn’t detecting three 2010 census codes (2016, 2760, 6500). These codes have been added and will now properly be converted to 2018 codes when a company is changed to a new census dataset.
Disparity Analysis – Promotions : Changed the “Report By” option to be defaulted to “Job Groups” instead of “Job Groups, Jobs”.
Disparity Analysis – Terminations : Changed the “Report By” option to be defaulted to “Job Groups” instead of “Job Groups, Jobs”.
Version 12.2022.0114.2
Employee Level Compensation Data : When the “Show Employee ID” option is checked and the “Show Employee Name” option is unchecked, the “Employee ID” column will now be widened automatically to show longer IDs.
Version 12.2022.0114.1
Workforce Analysis : When the option to display salary codes instead of actual salaries is used, any salary code that is a number will now sort numerically instead of alphabetically.
Version 12.2022.0111.1
Workforce Analysis : Additional small fix for a “Sequence contains no elements” error when running the Workforce Analysis.
Version 12.2022.0110.2
EEO-1 Report : Removed “Type 6” reporting. The EEOC has discontinued the EEO-1 Component 1 Type 6 Establishment List Report for establishments with fewer than 50 employees.
Publishing Options Window : Fixed a bug where some options would display in bold type when their option values did not actually differ from the default values. Now, if an option is in bold, the value of that option has been changed from its default.
Publishing Options Window : Changed values will now have a background color (usually light green) to quickly determine if the value has been changed or not from the default.
Sample Company : Changed various dates within the sample company to reflect a current company.
Version 12.2022.0110.1
Workforce Analysis : Fixed a “Sequence contains no elements” error when the “Group Job Codes” function was used on a location with 0 included employees.
Version 12.2022.0106.2
Census Data Viewer Window : Added a menu option to the Tools button called “Export Data To CSV File…”. After file creation, the file will be opened automatically with your computer’s default CSV viewer (typically Excel).
Census Data Viewer Window : Removed “Print”, “Print Preview”, “Export to Excel” and “Export to PDF” from the Tools button. All of these functions can be performed while viewing the CSV file in Excel or your favorite CSV editor.
Version 12.2022.0103.1
Current Program Year Analysis : Added 4 options to this report/section that allow the user to choose which Annual Goals Report Section and Disparity Analysis Sections to use to calculate the narrative text. This is useful if a user has created custom annual goals reports or custom disparity reports for their AAP and want their CPYA to match those.
Version 12.2021.1227.1
User Interface : Small user interface bug fixes.
Version 12.2021.1221.2
Disparity Analysis – Applicants and Hires : If at least one of the 3 “Exclude Applicants With No Hires?” options is checked, a CSV file named “DisparityAnalysis-ExcludedApplicants.csv” will be automatically created in the location’s “Published” folder. This file (that can be opened in Excel or your favorite CSV editor) will contain every applicant record that was excluded from the analysis. This file is overwritten every time the “Disparity Analysis – Applicants and Hires” section is published (to any output type).
Version 12.2021.1221.1
User Interface : Small user interface bug fixes.
Version 12.2021.1216.1
Creating New Companies : Creating a new company could sometimes return a “database is locked” error and the company would not be successfully created. This has been fixed and companies can be created again.
Version 12.2021.1215.1
Census : The 2014-2018 American Community Survey has been added to the software. Before converting an existing company to use the new census dataset, it is recommended to either make a backup of the original company or make a copy of the original company to have an archived copy. The Company Information window (File, Company Information) now has a dropdown list where you can choose the Census Dataset you’d like to use for a company. It is recommended to only go forward (from 2010 to 2018 for example) because there isn’t a clear crosswalk for going back.
Workforce Analysis & Annotations : When the “Use Average Salary for Grouped Jobs” option is checked, it now looks to the “Show Salary?” option to determine if the average salary is shown or not. If the average salary is being shown, the column header is now forced to show “Average Salary” instead of just “Salary”.
Companies Window : Added an option to display the company’s folder (directory stub) in the grid. It is not shown by default. To access this option, choose the Tools button, Options, and then look for the option called “Show Company Folder”.
Companies Window : Added a tool called “Export Company List” which will create a CSV file that contains a list of all of the company data in the grid (and more). After creation, it will be automatically opened in your preferred editor. It can be accessed by clicking the Tools button, Advanced Functions, and then Export Company List.
Census Areas Window : Added a button called “Census Map” to the default census areas tab (for the 2018 census only) that will pull up the detailed census map (from and data for the selected area in your default web browser.
Publishing Window : Added a new optional report/section called “Vets AAP : Utilization Summary of Protected Veterans”. It is not added by default to any existing document.
Disparity Analysis for Applicants and Hires : Added a new option called “Exclude Applicants With No Hires? (by Requisition Code)”. It is defaulted to OFF. If checked, applicants will only be included if the application is associated with a requisition code that had at least one hire.
Disparity Analysis for Applicants and Hires : Added a new option called “Exclude Applicants With No Hires? (by Job Group Code)”. It is defaulted to OFF. If checked, applicants will only be included if the application is associated with a job group code that had at least one hire.
Disparity Analysis for Applicants and Hires : Renamed the existing option called “Exclude Applicants With No Hires?” to “Exclude Applicants With No Hires? (by Job Code)”. It is defaulted to OFF. If checked, applicants will only be included if the application is associated with a job code that had at least one hire.
Workforce Analysis & Annotations : Fixed an issue where supervisors that were being “forced into” a plan and being copied to other departments were sometimes being counted incorrectly and not being flagged as a supervisor.
Version 12.2021.1108.2
Bug Fixes : Fixed various out of memory issues and adjusted error reporting slightly.
Version 12.2021.1102.1
Installation : Some Windows installations don’t have a valid copy of netstandard.dll. This maintenance release includes the netstandard.dll within the installation and will be installed automatically.
Version 12.2021.1021.2
Audit Window : When the Disparity Analysis is run for the “Compliance Review”, “CMCE”, and “FAAP Compliance Review” audit types, it will no longer display a test. It will only display the counts for Apps/Hires, Promotions, and Terminations.
Version 12.2021.1021.1
Publishing Window : Content Editor : The ribbon tab on this form became unusable/invisible in a recent update. This has been fixed.
Version 12.2021.1020.1
Audit Response – Activity Summary : This section/report is now ordered by job group code.
Audit Response – Activity Summary : Added an option called “Exclude Applicants With No Hires?” and it is defaulted OFF. If checked, applicants will only be included if the application is associated with a job that had at least one hire.
Version 12.2021.1019.1
Vets AAP : Hiring Benchmark for Protected Veterans : When this report is used to create a custom section, the custom section will now respect the “Override Benchmark” value in the custom section’s options.
Publishing Window : Added a new section/report called “Audit Response – Activity Summary”. The report can be accessed through the Publishing Window and it is also included in a new button called “Optional Post-Submission Reports” within the Audit Window (Compliance Review, CMCE, and FAAP Compliance Review).
Version 12.2021.1007.1
EEO-1 Report Window : Fixed an error that could display when a new location was added to a company and then the EEO-1 report window was opened.
Employee and Activity Summary : Added a page to this report called “All Terminations Grouped” that displays all of the TERMINV and TERMVOL activities.
Version 12.2021.1006.1
Vets AAP : Hiring Benchmark for Protected Veterans : The veteran hiring benchmark is now automatically calculated from the AAP start date. If this value needs to be overridden, it can be changed by modifying the report’s option (“Override Benchmark”).
Vets AAP : Protected Veteran Hiring Benchmark Progress : The veteran hiring benchmark is now automatically calculated from the start date of this report. If this value needs to be overridden, it can be changed by modifying the report’s option (“Override Benchmark”).
Audit Window : The following four sections were removed from the “VEVRAA Focused Review Support Data” -> Disparity Analysis – Applicants and Hires, Disparity Analysis – Promotions From/Within, Disparity Analysis – Terminations, and Employee Level Compensation Data.
Audit Window : The following four sections were removed from the “Section 503 Focused Review Support Data” -> Disparity Analysis – Applicants and Hires, Disparity Analysis – Promotions From/Within, Disparity Analysis – Terminations, and Employee Level Compensation Data.
Version 12.2021.0914.1
VETS-4212 : A VETS-4212 function is now available that can create a valid VETS-4212 upload file. To access this function, select “Reports” from the main menu and then “VETS-4212”.
Availability Analysis : The availability analysis will now correctly process the “Override Automatic Notes” option that can be set within the IPEDS window.
Version 12.2021.0903.1
Activities Window : Adding a custom activity code through “Tools, Advanced Functions, Define Activity Codes…” will no longer result in an error.
Version 12.2021.0819.1
Import Window : The workforce import will now ask the user about non-standard Vet, Disabled and Exclude Employee codes that it finds instead of guessing what the code means.
Import Window : The EEO-1 import will now import values even if locations haven’t been imported into the company yet.
Job Group Analysis Annotations : The “Show Minorities as a Whole?” option will now actually group minorities together instead of displaying them separately.
Version 12.2021.0810.1
Executive Summary : Values for applicants, hires and terminations were incorrect in some cases when running mid-year reports. They didn’t match the disparity analysis.
Version 12.2021.0806.1
Salary Regression Analysis : Added an option called “Allow Two or More to be the Favored Group?” and it is defaulted OFF.
Employee and Activity Summary : Added an option called “Company-Wide Activities?” and it is defaulted OFF. If checked, activities will be totaled for the entire company (not location specific). If unchecked, activities will be location specific.
Version 12.2021.0805.1
Workforce Analysis : Added an option called “Flag Part-Time Employees?” which is defaulted ON. If checked, Part-time employees will be flagged with a “~” character. If unchecked, part-time and full-time employees are grouped together and the part-time footnote will be removed from the report.
Version 12.2021.0802.3
Publishing Window : Added a section called “Employee and Activity Summary”. This report is optional and is not included in any preconfigured documents.
Version 12.2021.0802.1
Workforce Analysis : The “Use Average Salary For Grouped Job Codes?” option now sorts correctly.
Version 12.2021.0730.1
Publishing Window : Added a section called “Vets AAP : Protected Veteran Hiring Benchmark Progress”. This report is optional and not included by default in any document.
Version 12.2021.0727.1
Job List : The Job List section can now be ordered by Census Code.
Salary Analysis : Employees without a race code are no longer counted in the Minority totals.
Version 12.2021.0628.1
Job Group Analysis : An error was being thrown when Total Salary was chosen as an option, but no total salaries were entered for any employee.
Replace All Locations With Locations From Another Company : The header for the company pick screen was being cut off and a help button was being shown with an incorrect link.
Delete All Departments : The function to delete all departments wasn’t functioning properly, immediately after copying a company and preparing it for a new year.
Version 12.2021.0601.1
Company Information Window : Added an “EEO Type” called “EEO-1 and IPEDS”. If this type is chosen for a company, the user will be allowed to select from and manually type in both EEO-1 and IPEDS codes in the EEO column within the Jobs window.
Version 12.2021.0524.1
Companies Window : Added a column called “Employees” that shows the total number of employees within a company.
Companies Window : Added a column called “Locations” that shows the total number of locations within a company.
Companies Window : Added an option called “Show Employee Count” and it is defaulted ON.
Companies Window : Added an option called “Show Location Count” and it is defaulted ON.
Version 12.2021.0521.1
Custom Cover Page : Fixed an issue with the ‘&’ symbol displaying incorrectly if it was part of a company name.
Weights Window : When an error message for a particular job group was too long to be displayed fully on the status bar, it was not being shown at all. The status bar will now auto expand vertically to attempt to display the error.
Version 12.2021.0510.1
Publishing Window : Fixed an “Input String Was Not In The Correct Format” error when an option could not be retrieved from the options database.
Publishing Window : Fixed an issue with the publishing window closing when a connection to a database could not be made.
Annual Goals : Fixed an error that would be thrown if there was an invalid value for the standard deviation value option.
Version 12.2021.0429.1
Data Collection Analysis (Vets and IWD) : Added an option called “Ignore Applicant Dates?” and it is defaulted off. If checked, all applications (regardless of date) will be analyzed.
Version 12.2021.0427.1
Workforce Analysis Annotations : The “Show Job Code?” option was not working properly when this option was unchecked.
Version 12.2021.0423.1
Weights Window : Added an option called “Max Zip Codes For Dynamic Census Name” and it is defaulted at 10. If the number of zip codes within a job group exceeds this number, the dynamic census area name will be abbreviated for reporting. An example abbreviated name is in the following format: 26 Zip Codes Within AL, CO, CT, MO, NV, VT
Version 12.2021.0401.1
Publishing Window : An unexpected error was occurring when the Salary Regression Analysis of Pay Analysis Groups was saved as a new section.
Version 12.2021.0330.1
Vets AAP : Hiring Benchmark for Protected Veterans : Updated the default “Veteran Hiring Benchmark” option to 5.6%.
Version 12.2021.0329.2
Publishing Window : Added a new section called “Disabled AAP : Action Oriented Programs”. This section has been added to the Support Data document and to the Support Data -Section 503 document.
Publishing Window : Added a new section called “Disabled AAP : Identification of Problem Areas”. This section has been added to the “Affirmative Action Plan for Individuals with Disabilities” document.
Version 12.2021.0322.1
Utilization Trend Analysis : When the “Break out Minorities?” option was unchecked, not all headers on the report would display.
Version 12.2021.0317.1
Report Footers : Changed the term/phrase “wrong doing” to “wrongdoing” in the default text for footers in 10 reports.
Version 12.2021.0315.1
Disparity Analysis : Renamed “P. Islander/Hawaiian” to “Pacific Islander” because the text was wrapping to another line when it was chosen as the favored group.
Version 12.2021.0311.1
Report Headers : All header lines in reports can now have dynamic variables in them.
Version 12.2021.0308.1
Dynamic Weighting : When activity data (PROTO records) had inconsistent data about a promotion, the dynamic weighting function could duplicate a job group as a weight for another job group.
Version 12.2021.0305.1
Job Group Analysis : When the “Show Annotation Text” option was turned on, it was possible in some situations to have a blank job group shown.
Disparity Analysis : Slightly changed the way some favored race groups are chosen. This change will not affect any results, just the sorting of race designations. Added an option called “Original Sorting?” that is defaulted OFF. If this option is checked, the original sorting/code will be used instead of this new method.
Version 12.2021.0303.1
Disparity Analysis : Added an option called “Show Shortfall?”. It is defaulted OFF. If turned on, a column will be displayed on the report that displays the shortfall for the current comparison.
Disparity Analysis : Added an option called “Column Text : Shortfall”. It is defaulted as “Shortfall”. This option allows a user to change the text for the shortfall column header.
Version 12.2021.0302.1
Salary Analysis : When choosing “Full Time” or “Part Time” on the “Employees to Analyze” option, it would analyze the opposite of what was chosen. The default value for that option was/is “All Employees” and has been functioning correctly.
Salary Regression Analysis : When choosing “Full Time” or “Part Time” on the “Employees to Analyze” option, it would analyze the opposite of what was chosen. The default value for that option was/is “All Employees” and has been functioning correctly.
Version 12.2021.0226.1
Workforce Analysis : There was a possibility of some jobs being double-counted within a department when salary codes were being displayed instead of actual salaries.
Version 12.2021.0223.1
Current Program Year Analysis : Job groups with no name and no employees could sometimes display if the report was run for a group of locations instead of a single location.
Version 12.2021.0222.1
Annual Goals Report : Swapped the positions of the “Total Availability” and “80% of Total Availability” rows to make them more readable.
Hiring Benchmark for Protected Veterans : The “Veteran Hires and Promotion Ratio” (which is typically defaulted off) would sometimes show a different value than was displayed on the “Data Collection Analysis of Protected Veterans”.
Version 12.2021.0216.1
Disparity Analysis : Added an option called “Job Order” that is used when the report is run by jobs. By default the job order is set to “Job Code”, but with this new option it can now also be sorted by Job Group Code and then by Job Code.
Version 12.2021.0215.1
Workforce Comparison Report : Fixed an issue with new employees showing up on the report when they should not have.
Version 12.2021.0212.1
Weights Window : Added an option (accessed via the Tools button and then Options) called “Force Dynamic Census Areas?” that is defaulted OFF (unchecked). If checked, all of the job groups within the company will use dynamic census areas based off of the employees’ zipcodes within the job group. This will allow a user to force dynamic census areas when they don’t want to use the Dynamic weighting tool.
Error Check Window : When a user “auto-fixes” errors, an automatic backup will be run right before the auto-fix process. If the user wishes to undo the changes, there is now a menu option in the Tools button on the window called “Undo Last Auto-Fix”.
Version 12.2021.0204.1
Department Window : Location codes with a comma in them can now be manually entered and selected from the location code drop-down.
Jobs Window : Location codes with a comma in them can now be manually entered and selected from the location code drop-down.
Publishing Window : Added a new section called “Table – 2 Column” which can be used to create a narrative page with an optional header and up to a 25 row and 2 column table.
Version 12.2021.0201.2
Organizational Display : Added an option called “Show Employee ID?” and it is defaulted OFF. If checked, the employee ID will display at the far right of the supervisor’s line.
Organizational Display : Added an option called “Show Employee Name?” and it is defaulted OFF. If checked, the employee name will display at the far right of the supervisor’s line.
Data Collection Analysis :Fixed a sorting issue when reporting by Job Group or Job.
Version 12.2021.0118.1
Job Group Analysis : Unchecking “Show Job Codes?” was preventing the “~” symbol from showing when there was a part-time employee.
Version 12.2021.0115.1
Sample Company : The Sample Company dates have been adjusted to a 2021 timeframe.
Job List : Added an option called “Show Job Code?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, the job code column will not appear on the report.
Department List : Added an option called “Show Department Code?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, the department code column will not appear on the report.
Job Group Analysis : Added an option called “Show Job Code?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, only the job title will appear on the report.
Job Group Analysis Annotations : Added an option called “Show Job Code?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, only the job title will appear on the report.
Cohort Report : Added an option called “Show Job Code?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, the job code column will be hidden on the report.
Salary Analysis : Added an option called “Show Job Code?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, only the job title will be shown on the report.
Salary Regression Analysis of Pay Analysis Groups : Added an option called “Show Job Code?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, only the job title will be shown on the report.
Salary Regression Analysis of Pay Analysis Groups : Added an option called “Show Department Code?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, only the department name will be shown on the report.
Workforce Analysis : Added an option called “Show Department Code?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, only the department name will appear on the report.
Workforce Analysis : Added an option called “Show Job Code?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, only the job title will appear on the report.
Workforce Analysis Annotations : Added an option called “Show Department Code?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, only the department name will appear on the report.
Workforce Analysis Annotations : Added an option called “Show Job Code?” which is defaulted ON. If unchecked, only the job code will appear on the report.
Version 12.2021.0107.1
Workforce Analysis Annotations : Fixed an issue with some departments not being shown in rare occasions if a supervisor managed multiple departments.
Version 12.2020.1230.1
Publishing Window : Added a new section/report called “Cover Page – Custom”. All elements of the cover page are customizable and are able to be shown or hidden through the options. A “Logo File” option has also been included to use a custom logo instead of a location’s logo if necessary. If this option is blank, the location’s logo will be used.
Version 12.2020.1221.1
Cohort Report : Added an option called “Show Job Title?” and it is defaulted ON.
Version 12.2020.1214.1
Audit Window : Added a “Support Data – VEVRAA” button to the “VEVRAA Focused Review” audit type.
Version 12.2020.1208.1
Workforce Analysis and Workforce Analysis Annotations : Fixed a rare case where employees could be duplicated on the annotations report and fixed formatting issues on both reports.
Narrative Content Editor : Fixed an issue with the § symbol not displaying properly.
Version 12.2020.1203.1
Auto-Update Application Option (Custom Installs Only) : Users with a custom install can now go to the Utilities menu, select Options, scroll down and select Main Application and now see an option called “Auto-Update Application”. It is checked by default (which will notify users of software updates), but if unchecked, the user will not be notified of new versions of the software.
Version 12.2020.1202.1
Workforce Analysis and Annotations : Added an option called “Pagebreak After Department?” and it is checked/on by default. If checked, each department will publish on a separate page. If unchecked, when the data for one department ends, a new department will attempt to fill in the rest of the page.
Content Editor Window (for sections) : Added “[Company Name]”, “[Company Identifier]” and “[Directory Stub]” to the dropdown list of insertable dynamic variables.
Version 12.2020.1130.2
Companies Window : Importing a company from Version 11 that had a custom census area with a comment that had less than 3 characters was throwing an error.
Version 12.2020.1130.1
Error Check Window : Added a new workforce check option to the jobs category called “Check Only Populated Jobs?” and it is defaulted checked/on. If checked, only jobs that are assigned to at least 1 employee are analyzed. If unchecked, all jobs are analyzed.
Version 12.2020.1125.1
Disparity Analysis : Added 2 new options (“Base Group : Ignore Dates?” and “Comparator Group : Ignore Dates?”) and both are defaulted off/unchecked. If checked, the beginning and ending dates (for the Base Group activities and/or the Comparator Group activities) will be ignored and all activities with the appropriate activity code will be analyzed. This can be especially useful if no activity dates have been imported at all and are blank.
Document Layout Window : Fixed multiple issues with the arrow buttons not being enabled and disabled properly.
Version 12.2020.1124.2
Import Window : Changed the Weights import template. Added a field at the far right called “Census Year” (1 = 2010 Residence, 2 = 2010 Worksite). If no value is entered in this column, 2010 Worksite will be used.
Jobs Window : When all jobs are deleted by the user, the weights for the company are no longer deleted while using this function.
Designation of Responsibility : Minor language changes.
Identification of Problem Areas : Minor language changes.
Version 12.2020.1112.1
Companies Window : Fixed an issue with the Whole Person Rule setting not being transferred over properly when using the “Copy a company from v11 and prepare…” option.
Audit Window : When a Disparity Analysis is being performed on Applicants and Hires, the report is now forced to report by “Job Groups, Jobs”.
Audit Window : When a Disparity Analysis is being performed on Applicants and Hires, the report is now forced to “Exclude Applicants With No Hires”.
Publish Window : The “Report By” option for the “Disparity Analysis- Applicants and Hires” report is now defaulted to “Job Groups” instead of “Job Groups, Jobs”.
Publish Window : The “Exclude Applicants With No Hires?” option for the “Disparity Analysis- Applicants and Hires” report is now defaulted to “false” instead of “true”.
Version 12.2020.1109.1
Activities Window : Fixed an “Input string was not in a correct format” exception.
Weights Window : Fixed an issue when the promotions window was visible and the application was closing.
Activities Window : Fixed an issue that would occur when the window was left running for an extended period of time and the network connection to the data folder halted and disconnected due to Windows sleep mode.
Data Location Setup Window : Fixed a “Startindex” error that would be thrown when the browse button on the “Existing…” option was clicked and an invalid folder was selected.
Error Check Window : Multiple errors have been fixed on this window that occurred when a user double-clicked every button instead of single clicking.
Version 12.2020.1104.1
Organizational Demographics Pie Chart by Department : Fixed an issue where a race/gender combination on the pie chart could possibly share a color choice a different race/gender combination. The colors are now consistent with the race/gender pie chart color choices in the other reports.
Data Location Setup : Fixed an issue where a user could choose a custom folder to store the data, but that folder was not writable because of Windows security restrictions.
Version 12.2020.1030.1
Disparity Analysis : Fixed an issue with the statistical results shifting to the right when the “Show Gender/Race Percentage?” option was unchecked.
Current Program Year Analysis : The weight percentage for the custom factor was not being displayed correctly within the narrative for some job groups.
Executive Summary Explanation : Removed question marks from items 2 and 3 so they will match the headers on the reports.
Version 12.2020.1028.1
Disparity Analysis : Fixed an issue with the header being displayed on a separate page when the confidential line was being displayed in addition to the “Show Minorities as a Whole?” option turned on.
Version 12.2020.1022.2
Companies Window : Fixed an issue where the application would incorrectly flag departments and jobs as invalid when using the “Import company from version 11” function.
Companies Window : Fixed an issue where the application would not transfer over the job group codes and job group names for “WORKFORCE” activities when using the “copy a company from Version 11 and prepare it for a new plan year” option while creating a new company.
Version 12.2020.1022.1
Weights Window : Fixed an error that could occur when attempting to clear school choices.
Application : Adjusted the application to not recognize Windows DPI system-wide font sizes. Larger font sizes (set by the user) may be the cause of buttons and application elements that appear missing.
Version 12.2020.1021.1
Employees Window : Fixed an error that would occur when the Employees Window and the Locations Window were opened simultaneously and the employee grid had 0 records.
Employees Window : Fixed an “input string was not a correct format” error when the Export Employees function was being used and there were either no records or null values existed in integer fields.
Import Window : Fixed an “SQL logic error or missing database” error when a job group name had an apostrophe and the job group was being automatically added to another location.
Publishing Window : Fixed an “object reference” error when the window loaded and there were no locations to display because of a problem reading the locations database.
Closing a Company : Fixed an “object reference” error when a company was being closed, but the connection to the database could not be made because of a network outage.
* Import Window* : Fixed a “System cannot find the file specified” error when the View/Edit Import File button was clicked and the import file became unavailable because of a network outage.
Version 12.2020.1013.1
Report Preview To Screen : The user’s zoom mode is now saved automatically.
Version 12.2020.1009.2
Import a V11 Company : Fixed an exception being thrown when the version 11 company did not have one of the required databases/tables.
Application Closing : Fixed an exception being thrown when the application was being closed automatically by a Windows Update event while the PC was idle.
Employees Window : Fixed an error that would occur when a value was being pasted into the grid, but no row was selected.
Restoring : Fixed an issue when an anti-virus program was scanning a ‘.aap’ file and the software needed access to it.
Version 12.2020.1008.1
Import Window : An exception was being thrown when activities were being imported and an EEO code needed to be mapped by the user and the “Cancel Import” button was clicked.
Companies Window : Deleting a company before opening a company was creating a blank listing for a company in the grid.
Locations Window : Fixed an issue when the “Copy Logo to all Locations” menu function was used when a location was not selected in the grid.
Publishing Window :An error was sometimes being displayed when multiple sections or documents were selected to be previewed and the user double-clicked the X button to close the preview window.
Version 12.2020.1007.1
Disparity Analysis : Added an option to “Show Two or More?”. By default this is set to YES, but if unchecked, the Two or More row will not be displayed.
Annual Goals Report : Added an option called “Show Job Groups Without Goals?” and it is defaulted to YES, which means all job groups will be shown. If unchecked, job groups that do not have an annual goal for women or minorities will not be shown on the report.
Utilization Trend Analysis : Fixed an exception that would occur when a salary had a null value.
Automatic Annotations : The annotations were not being updated consistently in rare cases.
Data Editing Screens : Fixed some rows showing an error (pink color), but no error should have been displayed.
Census Code Wizard : Some example jobs had missing soc codes.
Version 12.2020.0924.1
Annual Goals and Availability Analysis : Decreased the processing time for these reports.
Version 12.2020.0923.6
Organizational Display : Increased the speed of calculating this report.
Data Editing Windows : Decreased loading times for many windows. Optimized for larger data sets.
Job List : Fixed a “Cannot find column eeocode” error when setting the “Order By” option to “EEO Code”.
Import a V11 Company : Fixed a “Column ‘college’ does not belong to table” error when a version 11 company had tables that weren’t upgraded to the most recent 11 version.
Version 12.2020.0911.6
Annual Goals Report : Added an option called “Show Minorities As A Whole?” and it is defaulted ON. This option will allow a user to show or hide the “Minorities” column.
Publishing (Standard Edition) : The ‘IWD Utilization Goal%’ option is now available to all Standard Edition software users.
Publishing (Standard Edition) : The ‘Veteran Hiring Benchmark’ option is now available to all Standard Edition software users.
Outreach Window : Fixed an “Input string was not in a correct format” exception when a value other than a number was entered while using the ‘Set IWD Utilization Goal and Veteran Hiring Benchmark…’ tool.
Companies Window : Fixed an “access to the path is denied” exception being thrown when the software was custom installed to the ‘C:\Program Files (x86)’ folder. *
Organizational Display : Fixed a report drawing issue when departments had a circular hierarchy.
Version 12.2020.0908.1
Locations Window : Fixed a display issue and exception when manually adding a location to the grid.
Version 12.2020.0903.1
Locations Window : Fixed an exception being thrown sometimes when a location code was being changed.
Version 12.2020.0902.2
Job Group Analysis : Added a “Footnote” option to this report.
Workforce Analysis : Added a “Footnote” option to this report.
Utilization Trend Analysis : Added a “Footnote” option to this report.
Weights : Fixed a display issue that would sometimes hide job groups from view.
Version 12.2020.0901.2
Organizational Pie Chart – By Department : Fixed an exception being thrown when at least one employee did not have a Department code.
Version 12.2020.0901.1
Import Window – Locations Import Template : Fixed an “input string was not in a correct format” exception when a non-standard value was in the Prevent Rollup column.
Weights Window : Fixed an “object reference…” exception when the Select census button was clicked and a row on the grid was not in focus.
Version 12.2020.0831.1
Import Window – Activities Import Template : Added EEO code mapping during the import to help users who place incorrect values into the CSV file.
Companies Window : This window was not closing properly if a user’s computer lost it’s connection with the network drive during a Sleep event and the drive was not connected automatically after the Wake event.
Version 12.2020.0828.1
Import Window – Weights Import Template : Added a bit of error checking code for improperly formatted promotable columns.
Version 12.2020.0827.1
Organizational Demographics – By Department (Pie Chart) : Department names that had an ampersand (&) symbol were not being displayed properly in the header of the pie chart.
Version 12.2020.0826.3
Workforce Analysis : Changed the available Salary Type options to “Base Salary” and “Total Salary”. To show (and sort by) Salary Code, there is an option called “Sort by Annualized Salaries?”. If that is unchecked, salary codes will be displayed instead.
Version 12.2020.0826.1
Companies Window -> Copy a Version 11 company and prepare it for a new plan year : Fixed a “Constraint Failed…” exception when the company that was being imported from version 11 had the same locations represented in multiple plans.
Version 12.2020.0825.2
Workforce Analysis : Added an option to the Workforce Analysis called “Group Job Codes?” and it is defaulted OFF. If this is checked (and salaries are not being shown), jobs with the same job code will be grouped together regardless of the salaries.
Version 12.2020.0825.1
Company Window -> Import a Company from Version 11 function : The “Select a Version 11 Company to Import…” window will now allow multiple rows/companies to be selected. Holding the [CTRL] key on your keyboard and clicking multiple rows will facilitate selecting multiple companies. If the [SHIFT] key on the keyboard is held, all companies between the first and second click will be selected.
Version 12.2020.0824.2
Jobs Window : When deleting a job that only existed because employees from other locations rolled up into a location, the software was not asking if the user would like to reassign the employees that were in that job to another job code.
Version 12.2020.0824.1
Weights Window : Fixed a “Collection was modified” exception and a “Object reference” exception when attempting to show availability numbers after clicking the “Select” button for promotables.
Version 12.2020.0821.3
Publishing – Current Program Year Analysis : Added an option called “Show Job Groups With No Employees Or Activities?”. It is defaulted ON. If unchecked, job groups will be shown only if there are more than 0 employees or if there are any hire, promotion, or termination activities for the job group.
Publishing – Workforce Analysis : Fixed an issue with the totals line being shifted to the right when the “Show Salaries?” option was unchecked. Also fixed a color issue with the headers.
Version 12.2020.0821.2
Publishing Options : The “Save as Your Default for All Companies” tool was throwing an exception when used on a few report options (including the Availability Analysis).
Version 12.2020.0821.1
Import Window : Fixed an error that would occur when an import file was chosen that was being stored in a folder with an apostrophe in the name.
Version 12.2020.0820.1
Import Window : Weights Import : Fixed a few errors that would occur when a weights import template had non decimal values in columns that expected decimals and commas delimiting feeder groups instead of pipes ( | ).
Version 12.2020.0819.1
Feature Request and Bug Report Window : Added an optional email address line to these windows. Both of these windows are accessible through the Help menu.
Version 12.2020.0818.1
Activities Window : The function “Import Activity Data from Another Company …” was placing the EEO code from activity records into an incorrect column.
Version 12.2020.0817.2
Organizational Display : Fixed a drawing issue on the report when one or more departments only existed in a company because of employees in other locations rolling up into the plan
Version 12.2020.0817.1
Initial Public Release : The Complete AAP 12™ software was under active development and testing for 3 years and was released publicly on 08/17/2020.
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