Import Window Overview

The Import window allows the user to quickly import data into The Complete AAP 12™ software instead of relying on manual data entry.

Window Layout

Import Type Dropdown List

The “Import Type” dropdown list allows the user to select from a variety of data import types. The “Workforce Data” and “Employment Activities” are the most commonly used import types and are available in all editions of The Complete AAP 12™ software.

Import Type Description Usage Availability
Workforce Data Allows the importing of all workforce information for every location. Each row represents one employee. Common Standard and Pro Editions
Employment Activities Allows the importing of employment activity information for every location. Each row represents one activity. Common Standard and Pro Editions
Departments Departments are normally imported using the Workforce Data template, but can also be imported using this template. This can be a useful template to import if you have exported your departments from the Departments screen and have edited them using an external program (like Excel). Rare Pro Edition Only
Job Groups Job Groups are normally imported during the Workforce Data import, but can also be imported using this template. This can be a useful template to import if you have exported your job groups from the Job Groups screen and have edited them using an external program (like Excel). Rare Pro Edition Only
Jobs Jobs are normally imported during the Workforce Data import, but can also be imported using this template. This can be a useful template to import if you have exported your jobs from the Jobs screen and have edited them using an external program (like Excel). Rare Pro Edition Only
Locations Locations are normally created during the Workforce Data import, but can also be imported using this template. This can be a useful template to import additional information about your locations. You can export your existing data from the Locations screen and edit it using an external program (like Excel). Rare Pro Edition Only
Outreach Outreach recruitment activities can be imported using this template. This can be a useful template to import additional information about your locations/AAPs. You can export your existing data from the Outreach screen and edit it using an external program (like Excel). Common Pro Edition Only
Prior Goals You can export your existing data from the Prior Goals screen and edit it using an external program (like Excel). Rare Pro Edition Only
Weights You can export your existing data from the Weights screen and edit it using an external program (like Excel). Rare Pro Edition Only
EEO-1 This import will allow you to update all EEO-1 fields for each existing location. You can export your existing data from the EEO-1 Reporting screen and edit it using an external program (like Excel). Rare Pro Edition Only

Create/View Template Button

Clicking this button will allow the user to create a template file (in CSV format) for the Import Type that is selected. If the file already exists, the user will be asked if they would like to overwrite it. The template file will be opened in the user’s default application for editing CSV files. Typically, this will be a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel, but it could also be a text editor if a default program has not been assigned in Windows.

The import template file will have the first row filled in with column headers. It is recommended to keep this header row in place. Columns cannot be moved. For a successful import, the columns must remain in the exact order that the template is created with. Not every field is required to have a value filled in, but the columns do need to exist.

Import File

The “Import File” text box shows the CSV file that will be imported. If a file is not selected, click on the “” button to browse for the CSV file that fits the formatting guidelines for the currently selected import type.

Import File Preview Grid

After the import file has been selected and validated, a preview of the first record within the file will display in the grid. The grid can be scrolled vertically to see all of the fields that will be imported.

Import Button

Click the Import button to import the data from the CSV file into The Complete AAP 12™ software.

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