Grid Overview

Many windows in The Complete AAP 12™ software contain a grid. Some are used for data entry, while others are used for data selection, but they all share many similarities.

Example Data Entry GridExample Data Entry Grid

Grid Features

Resizable Columns

Most grids within the software will allow resizing and they should remember the sizes you set the next time you open the window that contains the grid. To resize a column, hover the mouse pointer between two columns until the pointer displays as a resizing arrow. Then hold the left mouse button and drag the column to the desired size.

Column Reordering

Columns can be reordered by clicking, holding and dragging them with your left mouse button. Many windows will remember the user’s column order choices.

Data Sorting

The data within a grid can be easily sorted using one of the following methods:

  • Sort 1 Column : Click on the title text of a column to sort the grid by that column. The first click will sort the column by lowest to highest value. A second click will reverse the sort to highest to lowest value. And finally, a third click will remove the sort from the column. You will see a blue arrow icon on the top of the title text that indicates that the column is sorted and what direction the sort is set at. Alternatively, you can right-click on the column title text and choose “Sort Ascending”, “Sort Descending”, or “Clear Sorting” from the context menu.
  • Sort Multiple Columns : An unlimited number of columns can be sorted at the same time to help view the data. To sort by multiple columns, click the first column title until you have it sorted in the desired direction. For the second and all other columns, hold down the [SHIFT] key on your keyboard and click the next column title.

Data Filtering

Every column in a grid that has a filter icon to the right of the column title will have filtering capability. An unlimited amount of filters can be applied to the data in grids. Click on the grid filter icon for a column and multiple options will be presented:

  • Clear Filter : This will clear all of the filters for the current column.
  • Available Filters : If this menu option is selected, the user will be presented with a filter dialog where custom filtering equations can be entered. In the example below, only Base Salaries that are less than or equal to 20 will be displayed in the grid.
  • Selectable Pick List : The quickest way to filter is to select the specific values that should be displayed. The values can be searched by typing in the “Search…” box or the vertical scrollbar can be used to find values.

Adding Data

If the first row in a grid has the text “Click here to add a new row” (as shown in the image above), data can be added to the grid.

After clicking once on the row, the user will be put into an add record editing mode. A pencil icon will display to the left of the row and all columns can be accessed and values can be entered (or selected). If for any reason, you wish to cancel adding a record, you can press [ESC] on your keyboard 2 times to get completely out of the adding mode.

When all values for a row have been entered, press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard to save the record. It will then be added to the bottom of the grid (possibly out of view depending on the number of records displayed).

Column Pinning

A column can be pinned by right-clicking the column’s title text and by choosing “Pinned state” and “Pin at left” or “Pin at right” from the context menu. A pinned column will always remain in view while scrolling horizontally in a grid. Most data entry grids will remember the column’s pinned state the next time the window is opened.

Many grids will offer the ability to search the data. The search row is typically near the top of the grid. Typing in a search phrase will allow you to filter the results in the grid quickly. To clear the search filter, delete the search text that was typed in.


Many fields in a grid (especially fields that show codes) will have an associated tool-tip with them. Hover your mouse over a value and a tool-tip will display if one is available.

Right-Click Context Menus

Many grids will offer a right-click context menu for records. In the example image above, the Employee ID can be copied, a new value can be pasted, the ID can be edited, or the employee record in the grid can be deleted.

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