How To : Disable Automatic Updates
The Complete AAP 12™ software is continually updated to provide bug fixes, updates to new regulations, and new features. To disable automatic software updates, perform the following steps:
- Open any company from the Companies window.
- From the main menu, choose Utilities, Options.
- Scroll down on the left side of the options screen until you see the User Interface (Main Application) options. Click Main Application.
- Look for the option called “Auto-Update Application?”.
- Uncheck this option if you would not like automatic updates.
How To : Enable Automatic Updates
The Complete AAP 12™ software is continually updated to provide bug fixes, updates to new regulations, and new features. Automatic updates are enabled by default, but if they have been turned off, perform the following steps to enable the option:
- Open any company from the Companies window.
- From the main menu, choose Utilities, Options.
- Scroll down on the left side of the options screen until you see the User Interface (Main Application) options. Click Main Application.
- Look for the option called “Auto-Update Application?”.
- Check this option to have automatic software updates again.
Need more help with this?
The Complete AAP 12 Software Client Support Page